I shook my head laughing, "no but, it also makes my contact a little unique."

"You yourself are already very unique," his gaze was steady on me and I noticed we'd stopped walking.

"You are such a tease," I joked and continued walking.

"Pity a guy, will you?" William grinned before throwing his arm over my shoulder and pulling me closer to his side.

My heart did not just swoon. Again.


"I can't remember where I kept those files, my head hurts." I groaned and sat against the edge of the curb.

"And I'm not any more sober than you but who knows, he might leave it till morning?"

Before I could nod or wish for her words to come true, the shrill sound of my ringtone disturbed the quiet atmosphere again. In capital letters, the caller ID read boss.

I looked at Joanne who only urged me to answer the call.

"Hello," I cleared my throat hoping I didn't sound as drunk and tired as I felt.

"I know it's very late but it's urgent. Where are the meeting minutes for January and February filed?"

"In the cabinet." I said ambiguously.

"Which one?"

"The one in the office."

"Ophelia, are you drunk?"


"Then I'll be expecting you at the office as soon as you can." The line went dead. Joanne's gaze turned to me and she stared at me expectantly.

"He wants me to come to the office."

"It's a Friday night, what does he want?"

To fire me.

"I have to go." I haphazardly stood up.

"Are you sober enough?" Joanne asked.

"I hope so."

A taxi passed by and I stopped it. Joanne and I said our farewells and soon after, the taxi started moving towards the imminent disaster waiting to happen. I laid down on the backseat and tried to remember where the minutes were but my head ached and the moving vehicle only made me feel nauseous. The elevator ride up to William's office was torturous. The more sober I felt, the worse my head and stomach felt.

I really needed a drink.

The door to William's office opened quicker than I remembered it could and the movement nearly knocked me off balance. I slowly walked in and there he was perched on the edge of the two sitter couch staring at his phone.

"She's here."

The other voice in the room made me jump but turning, I saw it was just William's friend.

"Where are the files?" I turned back to see William standing now, displeasure written all over his face.

"It's in–"

The Billionaire & Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें