Soul Mates: Burden

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warning: angst and character death

          Soul slumped on the bench he was sitting on, tiny droplets of rain trickling down his hair. Why the hell did he do that?

          It was a very rainy afternoon with several booms of thunder in the background, and the frosted-haired weapon barged inside their apartment with muddy feet and wet appearance and even skateboarded across the living room just after the blonde meister cleaned it up, which of course resulted to Maka shouting at him in rage.

          He didn't listen, obviously, and continued to skateboard. The front wheel of the skateboard got stuck on the tile, which sent him flying across the kitchen and land on the blueberry cheesecake Maka had baked, and her; baking only happens once every six months.

          And of course, the masterpiece was ruined.

          "Damn it, Soul! It took me seven - seven freaking hours to perfectly bake that cake!" she scolded and hit him on the head with a broom. "First, you crashed the living room, then the kitchen, and heck, just destroy anything-just not the cake! But of course, you ruined the sweet masterpiece! You're being a burden!

          Burden. He was being a burden. Worse, he was being a burden to her. The words struck him like lightning, and that's how he ended up outside for hours now. The sky was beginning to darken and the sun was ready to set. Streaks of orange filled the sky and flocks of birds traveled in the sky to return to their home and nestle down.

          Soul checked his phone. Not a single text or a missed call from her. Guess she's really mad at me for being a burden.

          Was he really that troublesome? Was that what she thought of him this whole time? Negative thoughts and questions flew into his head, and it was making him crazy. I've been a everyone.

          Who needs a burdenful person, anyway? It was better for him to disappear. Disappear...that sounds great. At least I won't burden anyone anymore...they won't miss me, I know.

          "Where the heck are you, Soul?" the meister screeched in frustration as she hit her phone with her hand. She dialed his number again, and same words were heard. "The person you're calling is out of coverage area. Please try again later."

          "...I'm sorry." Maka mumbled, fresh tears gathering on the corner of her emerald eyes.

          Soul muttered incoherent words as he kept thinking about his mistakes. The more he thought of it, the more he got frustrated and depressed. "If I died, this world would be a better place!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, different pairs of eyes directly looking at him.

          His lips curled up into a bitter smile. "What? Never seen a handsome guy before?" Even after being depressed and frustrated, his narcissistic radar is always on.

          As he neared a bridge that was thirty feet above the ground, Soul had this crazy idea. He climbed on top of the ledge of the bridge, causing people to look at him, gasp, and murmur. "Before I die...I just want to let you all know that...this world will be happier without a burdensome bastard like me!"

          Then, he jumped and some people screamed in terror. Soul landed on the water with a rough thud, sinking deeper into the water. He opened his eyes and tried to breathe, but he panicked when his lungs weren't giving him oxygen. He only breathed more water. It was suffocating him, and slowly, slowly, his eyes were beginning to give up, and so was his heart. He mouthed words, and little bubbles floated and popped as he breathed the words out.

          "...I'm sorry for being a burden, and I love you, Maka..."

          And he closed his eyes and fell into a deep, sleepless slumber as his body sank further.

          She did not see him again after that night.


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