Soul Mates: I love you

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"Hey Maka,"

          Said girl looked at the person who called her with curiousity swimming around her head. "Yes?" her attention turned back to the book she was reading, which is The Selection, her newly bought book ( courtesy to her close friend, Tsubaki ) and started to read again.

          The ivory-haired weapon sloppily plopped down on the soft couch, making bounce lightly and he let out a light laugh. He then remembered why he came here in the living room, where his meister was reading her book peacefully. " you know what love is?"

          Maka Albarn looked at him with a surprised expression, as if he grew more heads. She was taken aback by his question because he, the "great" Soul Eater, just asked what love is.

          "So?" the male remarked with impatience laced in his voice.

         "Umm...well, love is when you know the worst side that someone could ever have, and you still love that person with all your heart."

          Soul let out a snort. "Just tell me the signs, symptoms or whatever. Don't give me that "pep talk about love" and other crap guys and mostly I don't care about."

          Scoffing, she puffed her cheeks. "Hmph! You could've been specific. You know you're in love when you think about that person always, and how your stomach knots at the sight of that person, and how you lose your common sense when that person talks to you." she sighed dreamily before adding, "you get possessive, you get jealous of other people who are close to that person and lastly, you don't look at any other people except your loved one."

          " deep, I'm drowning." Soul joked, and Maka chuckled llightly. "If that's the case, Maka, then...I love you!"

          "H-Hah? What?"

          "I said I love you! So much!"


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