Soul Mates: Hearts [Valentine's Special!]

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  • Dedicated to you ❤

there's a thank you note in the end so please read it if you want to

          Maka Albarn sighed as she stared outside the window, a sad smile curved on her pink lips. She stared at the twinkling stars above her, resting her head on her arms, with fresh tears willing to drop any moment.

          Today was Valentine's Day, February fourteen. The day after Friday the Thirteenth.

          Maka reminisced the events earlier; the blonde meister woke up and expected to find a prepared meal for her, but disappointment filled inside her when she went to the dining room, and found a note from her weapon instead, saying he already went. She grumpily huffed in annoyance and prepared to go to school. Why are there make up classes on a Saturday, anyway?

          Once she reached the building, hearts were everywhere. On the ceiling, on the walls, even on the floors! Being bitter about not having a valentine, she angrily ripped off the red paper heart from the floor.

          Once she reached the classroom, the cacophony of her classmates filled the whole room, and she pushed other people on her way to see what the ruckus was going on.

          And there, she saw Black*Star holding out a bouquet of fresh, white roses and a box of chocolate to her dearest friend and his weapon, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa.

          Ugh. Tsubaki was lucky to have a partner like him-although Black*Star is very dense and only loves fights, it was a mystery to her how he managed to give his partner roses and chocolates.

          Speaking of partners, where was Soul?

          Another ruckus snapped her out from her thoughts, and saw the weapon sisters - Elizabeth and Patty - giving their meister chocolates.

          "Could this day get any worse?" Maka muttered angrily, stomping on her way to their apartment. It was the end of the day, and instead of staying in the library to study, she went straight home. Maka shuddered at the memory; she caught a couple making out on the back of the large, wooden bookshelves. She stopped walking, standing still on the sidewalk to catch her breath and at that perfect moment, a car was rushing with a fast speed, hitting the puddle of muddy water and bathed her. She screamed loudly in irritation, sending a death glare at the moving car, who refused to apologize. "This is the worse day ever! Friday the Thirteenth was yesterday, so why am I receiving bad luck now?"

          A loud roar from the sky made her jump in surprise, and soon, tiny droplets of rain continued to fall. "Such good luck I'm receiving. This is so cliché."

          She then continued to walk all the way home, since the taxis were not willing to offer her a ride. She shivered as a gust of wind passed by, and her eyes were blurry with fresh tears crowding her green eyes. Soon, the tears mixed with the rain.

          Slamming the door open, she did not care about her muddy shoes or wet body anymore, and went straight to her bedroom, which where she laid on her bed and cried.


          Tears fell from her eyes and rolled on her cheeks, sniffing slightly. Where was Soul, anyway? She hasn't seen him since she woke up. Probably fooling around with a random girl, she thought bitterly, her hands forming into fists, looking at the happy, twinkling objects in the night sky through the window. Good thing the rain had stopped.

          A finger tapped the window's thick glass, snapping her out from her reverie. The girl meister hastily wiped her tears with the back of her hand and when her vision cleared, she gasped.

          He was there, outside her window.

          She breathed out, a puff of breath coming out from her mouth. "Soul..."

          "Hey," the said boy mouthed with a smile. He gestured towards the night sky with a grin, and she looked at where he pointed at.

          Booms of fireworks caught her attention, admiring how the firecrackers form a heart. He smirked as he watched her fawning over the fireworks, feeling accomplished. Her heart was beating loudly like the loud booms of the fireworks. She was sure her heart is gonna rip out of her ribcage.

          Happy Valentine's Day, Maka! colours of little sparks in the sky spelled out, and she couldn't help but stare at it in awe. Soul did this...for her? Is that why he was absent the whole day?

          "Thank you, Soul," she mumbled against the window, but to her surprise, he was gone. "Happy Valentine's Day." she said to him, or wherever that bastard went. Butterflies erupted inside her stomach as she remembered the way the fireworks form those four words.

          Maka looked back with a warm smile plastered on her lips, to find a life-size brown teddy bear holding a red, heart-shaped pillow with an "I love you" printed on it, sitting on her bed. It wasn't there before, so why is it there? She crawled towards it, and read the tag:

          Just like what the huge ass bear says, I love you. Happy Valentine's Day. I'll explain why I'm gone later, but for now, turn around.

          How he placed the bear on her room quietly, she didn't know. She twisted her head, and in a blink of an eye, Soul was in front of her.

          Then, warm lips met hers.


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THANK YOU so much for the 30,000+ reads 1,000+ votes and 200+ comments! And because of that, I updated on Valentine's Day! You don't know how happy I am! As an amateur writer, I am extremely ecstatic to know people are reading this cheesy book filled with ficlets and one shots! I may not know you all, but I appreciate every reader - whether you're the silent one or the expressive one! It cheers me up to know that people actually enjoy this aha. Again, thank you! Much love x

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