finally a new chapter pog

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i know everyone forgot this book existed but hear me out... i had no idea what to write, like i thought i had reached a dead end and there was nothing else to write. but i finally got motivated and i think this will be one of the last few chapters because i dont want to run out of ideas and keep the book running for too long.

Saturday, March 21st


i woke up in the middle of the night and i didnt know why. i mightve been having another bad dream but im not sure. i walked upstairs to get my hoodie. i began searching through my drawer for my hoodie but i heard a noise behind me.

oh shit i forgot damiar was in here-

"y/n? what are you doing?"

"huh? oh, i thought you were sleeping. im looking for my hoodie."

i heard shuffling and the lamp was turned on.

"need any help?" he asked. i looked back at him as he ran a hand through his hair. subconsciously, my eyes wandered to his bare torso, still bruised and sore.

i snapped out of it, "n-no, im still looking."

"if you say so."

a few minutes of silence passed and i still couldnt find it. i sighed in frustration.


"yeah?" i turned to face damiar.

he walked towards me and opened his own drawer, pulling out a one of his hoodies and handing it to me. he smiled sweetly. i put the hoodie on while mentally beating myself up..why do i still feel this way? why do i still want him?

he took out a t-shirt and pulled it over his head, still five inches away from me and no, i could not stop blushing. its not like i wanted to but i was super flustered. i gulped nervously.

"can we talk real quick?" he asked.

i nodded, "um...sure. what is it?"

"i hate to be that person but kai really likes you. if you like him, you should tell him."

"huh??" i was taken aback by this, forgetting i even told damiar i liked kai.

he furrowed his eyebrows at me in confusion.

"d-damiar, i dont like kai. i just said that in the heat of the moment, you caught me off guard and i got confused."

his expression softened and he looked relieved. then his eyes widened.

"oh shit...i just told you he likes you. im sorry."

"its okay i guess. it doesnt really change anything." i reassured.

"oh ok. you sure?"

i nodded. i took one last long look at him. hes so beautiful...i cant take him being so hurt like this anymore.

what am i even saying? hes a bitch! im probably just tired..

i sighed and walked out as damiar climbed back into bed.

i went back into the living room and just sat on the floor next to the staircase. i laid my head back on the staircase and stared at the ceiling. i hate this right now, i hate being stuck in the house, i hate being in the middle of two boys, and i hate that i only love one of them.

if im being honest i wish damiar never came back into my life. then i wouldnt be struggling to decide between giving into him or resisting him.

i ended up falling asleep right in my place on the floor.

i woke up that afternoon to the sound of soft drizzling outside and cold air nipping at me. why has it been raining so much lately?

it was dark, but across from me i could see a pile of blankets toppked over each other. kai still in there? i got up, ignoring how cold i was, and checked under the blankets for kai.

i started to panic when i couldnt find him.

"HOLY FUCK! KAI??! KAI WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled through the house, feeling lonely and confused.

"What the fuck y/n?" i heard damiars voice from the staircase.

"Wheres kai??"

"i have no idea."

"what the hell?" i got up and grabbed my phone from a nightstand by the couch. i had a text from kai.

hey i had to leave early. jess called needing my help with something.

i sighed in relief. "he only left to help jess with something."

"okay." damiar said, sitting on the couch. i jumped at him being so close to me.

"are you alright?"

"mhm. just tired, cold."

"do i need to give you another hoodie?" he half-joked.

i frowned a bit, "no..."

the rain lightened up and left clear skies quickly.

"damiar, i dont want to be stuck inside anymore, its messing with my head."

"it tends to do that. what do you wanna do then?"

"i dont know. i want this to be over." i looked down, "im so sick of myself, D."

i could sense he tensed up, taken aback by my use of his nickname.

"Why? I'd never get sick of you." he smirked. he knew what he was doing.

my cheeks turned pink and i made sure to keep eye contact with the floor.

"stop it..." i murmered.

"oh, is y/n flustered?" he teased.

"no, you bitch!" i spat lightheartedly, but trying to put up a tough front. i jumped up off the couch.

"are you still completely sick of me?" he asked genuinely.

i stayed silent. i truly dont have an answer. i dont know anymore. i dont think i am..?

after a minute of silence i decided to speak, "do you maybe wanna, go do something? i know somewhere no one else goes, its not a building or anything, its pretty safe."

"sure y/n. i have to take a shower first though."

"yeah youre stinky." i joked.

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