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yo we at #2 in benkrotv gotta get this shit UP 😤

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Thursday, March 19th

I woke up to the sound of thunder and pounding rain today. it's still spring, not even summer, what the hell is up with this weather?

I looked over to my side and saw that Damiar was...holding me. his arm was around my waist and his head on my shoulder, and my hand was on his. I didn't even notice. ew.

I pulled away from Damiar, got up, and changed into some comfortable clothes.

that's when I remembered virtual school. Damiar and I pretty much skipped yesterday. though, he has a valid reason. he probably can't even lift a finger to type. I really don't have an excuse, just that my emotions are fucking everywhere.

I pick up my laptop from my dresser and start to check on whatever I have to do. Damiar stirred, his eyes flickering open and squinting against the light coming from the computer screen. "what's going on?"

"I'm doing school." I replied as a matter of factly.

"oh shit," he slurred rather emotionlessly and more tired, "I have to start on that too."

"I don't think you really have to, I mean, you can barely move."

"y/n, I have to get an education."

"well maybe you should wait to get your education." I said smugly.

"whatever." he pulled the blankets over his chest and I ignored him, continuing to type away at some set of questions for history class.

I could feel eyes on me, so I looked at Damiar and he was just staring at me with the most awed look in his eyes.

"are you okay?"

"huh?-" he looked down and cuddled further into the blankets, "yeah I-I'm fine."

"um, okay, whatever you say."

i finished up the day's work as Damiar slept as sound as a baby. the rain still pounded harshly outside and thunder roared even louder than earlier. i dont know how he hasnt woken up yet.

i sighed and closed my laptop, slowly setting it down on my bedside table. looking over at Damiar's resting face, he flinched when lightening struck, making the area near the window glow. i jumped a little too and my heart nearly skipped a beat at the sudden light.

Damiar shot up and buried his face in his hands.

"you okay?" i asked slowly.

"yeah. im fine."

"you sure?"

"yeah, you?"

i chuckled, "im okay. juat got done with school work."

"damn, i cant believe its still storming."

i nodded slightly. oh god, thoughts are already flooding my mind again. im always thinking about damiar and i. i dont know what to do about our relationship. i dont know what to do with myself. i dont know how to even feel about all this.


"what? im fine. im gonna get something to ea–" i was cut off by the loudest boom of thunder ive ever heard in my whole life and lightening that lit up the entire room. i jumped and instincticley grabbed onto Damiar, burying my face into his chest. i squeezed my eyes shut as i felt Damiar tense from my touch.

i wanted to move but i couldnt. ew, i dont wanna be holding him like this. but its comfy, and my body feels frozen from fear. that thunder scared the fuck outta me.

i heard damiar chuckle and he eased into my hug. he moved his arms to around my waist making me frown a bit. it was comfy but i didnt wanna make him think i like him. i dont. i dont like him.

i finally tried to pull away, but he had a firm grip on me and had already fallen asleep again. so, i relaxed in his arms and started to ease into sleep aswell. it was kind of hard considering all the thunder and lightening. but i got used to it.

i was just about to fall asleep when a loud thunder jerked me all the way awake. and seconds after the doorbell rang. i pushed damiar away and he remained asleep. didnt even flinch.

i made it downstairs and to the door. everyone was asleep, napping because of the weather. i guess the rain always makes people sleepy.

i peeked through the peep hole and saw a short male figure standing there. it was too dark to see who it was. who in their right mind would be visiting us during a god damn storm???

slowly, i opened the door and there stood a soaked kai, shivering in the cold.

"kai? what the hell?!"

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