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HeLo so its been a while I think umm my writers block is so bad rn T-T I've been reading and writing so much trying to get ideas and stuff but it's not rlly helping ahhhhhh


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Wednesday, March 18th

I stared up at the ceiling while nervously fiddling with my hands. I can't believe we kissed. It felt so unreal and it happened so fast I'm beginning to doubt it really even happened. I turned my head to see him sleeping peacefully next to me.

I decided not to take him to the hospital, he didn't seem to have any broken bones and I just think he needed rest and care to heal all his bruises. And since his mom works all the time, I'm probably going to be the one caring for him. Not that I mind I guess.

He stirred in his sleep and I averted my gaze back to the ceiling after fixing the ice pack on his head. He had a huge bump on it so I assumed he hit his head on something. I still don't know exactly what happened, just that he got his ass kicked by some guy named Dylan.

I hope whatever that Dylan guy got was ten times worse than what Kai and Damiar got. As far as I can see, Kai didn't deserve it and Damiar didn't either. He was just trying to teach him a much needed lesson.


I hummed and looked back at Damiar. He stared up at me drowsily. "Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Yeah, I'm not the one beaten to a pulp right now so I'd say I'm alright." I smirked, making him chuckle lightly. He closed his eyes again as I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"So about that ki–"

"I-I don't wanna talk about it."

"Sorry." He said politely. He tried to sit up but I stopped him. I took the ice pack from his head.

"Um I cleaned some of your cuts but you should take a bath just in case. So you don't get any infections." I said as I gently guided him to lay back down. I moved the blanket to show him the bandages wrapped around some deeper cuts on his arm.

"A bath?"

"I know they're kind of gross but you can barely stand to be able to take a shower."

He grabbed onto my hand and pulled himself into a sitting position slowly. I helped him to stand and he stretched cautiously, trying not to break himself any more than he already is. Then he grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

He turned around in the door way and looked at me. "I think I can stand enough to take a shower," he paused, smirking and glancing away then back at me, "Join me?"

"Fuck off." I warned, throwing a random plushie in his direction. He just laughed and went into the bathroom and started his shower. Even in pain he's annoying as hell.

Thirty minutes went by and I spent most of it talking to Kai and telling him what happened. He was really mad and worried but I assured him I'd take care of everything.

Since it's already been half an hour I figured Damiar would be done already but he's still not. I knocked on the door and shouted, "I'll change those bandages when you're done if you want me to. But there's a first aid kit in there if you wanna do it!"

He shouted back an "okay" and I went back to sit on my bed. Soon enough he walked out in black sweat pants and a big black hoodie. His hair was still wet and sticking up everywhere.

"You look like a dark haired Bakugo." I snickered as he carefully laid down on his back next to me.

"Is that a compliment?" He asked snarkily.

"Shall I call you hedgehog next?" I retorted.

I turned around and gently placed a hand on his arm. He only groaned in pain. Holy shit. Just touching him hurts.

I pulled up his sleeve and went to grab the first aid kit from the bathroom. I came back into the room like a few seconds later. He looked like he was sleeping, but when I sat down he proved he was awake by flinching rapidly. He's so timid and paranoid, I've never seen him like this before.

"It's just me. You think I'm gonna hurt you?"

"What? No.. of course not."

"Ok" I muttered, now wrapping a bandage around his arm where there was a short gash.

There weren't as many cuts visible since he cleaned them all so I just wrapped both of his lower arms in bandages to be safe. I also had to place a bandaid on his cheek where it looked like he was punched. And one on his forehead near his hairline, it looked like a deep scrape against concrete or brick. I don't want to think about how he got that..

"Y/n? Can we please talk about something?"

"Damiar I don't think now is the ti-"

"For you it's never the time! What the hell do you want from me? You don't want an apology anymore, and you don't want an explanation." He snapped.

"Don't fucking yell at me like that."

"Why won't you just answer the damn questions?"

"You just don't get it.." I replied, slightly above a mutter.

"Then help me...help me understand."

"I can't! I don't want to get hurt again!" Holy shit did I just say that? Think before you speak, Y/n. I froze, looking up at him with wide eyes and my jaw dropped at my own words. He stayed silent, looking surprised as well.

I finally regained my composure and got up, walking out of the room and trying not to slam the door behind me. I didn't want to show that I cared as much as I do.

I went into the separate bathroom down the hall and closed and locked the door behind me. I sat down on the rug, leaning against the wall and pulling my knees to my chest. What am I supposed to do now...

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