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July 4th
Dear D,
Happy 4th of July! We're about to leave to watch a fireworks show at the beach. I wanted to write this real quick because we've been on the road all day and tomorrow I plan on taking a long ass nap. We've been staying at my grandparent's house. I've been babysitting all summer and saving money. I made about $5000 this time. It's all for our vacation/road trip/first time meeting.

You have no idea how excited I am. Even Dennis wants to come and meet you. That's how much I talk about you. Would you be cool with Dennis coming along? Even for just a day? How's your summer been? I've noticed there's been a few weeks in between your letters. Is everything okay at home? I only ask because I care, not nosy.

Aaron and I are kind of in a weird place right now. I haven't seen him all summer, but we've been texting, calling, and FaceTimeing. When I get back he said he's taking me on 'the best damn date I've ever had'. I think I overreacted about the Instagram thing. I want to trust him.

Love, Dimitri

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