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And added that he looked adorable being all flustered and red.

Seonghwa only spluttered and covered his face with his sweater paws because he got shy from what Hongjoong just said.

'Why am I so flustered?'

"Hey, don't cover..", Hongjoong softly said, gently holding Seonghwa's hand and he slowly pried his hands off his face who is still red.

Seonghwa just stared at Hongjoong who is smiling sweetly and a few inches away from his face.

He gulped, 'Fuck, he is gorgeous'.

"Woah, are you okay? Did I make you that flustered? You're turning into a velvet cupcake!", Hongjoong teases.

Seonghwa laughs, "W-What Hongjoong you're so mean!", he adorably glares at Hongjoong.

"I guess this is what they meant by 'You are what you eat'?", Hongjoong laughs, pinching Seonghwa's cheeks.

The dark-haired male only laughs along with his boyfriend and continued bickering at each other.

"The food was delicious.", Seonghwa said, swinging their intertwined hands after they just exited the café.

Hongjoong nods in agreement, "Yeah. It tasted much better when I'm with someone I love.", he winks at Seonghwa.

Hwa rolls his eyes and smiled flusteredly, "You've been saying cheesy stuff ever since we arrived at the café.", he giggles.

"I just love seeing you smile.", Hongjoong said.

That somehow made Seonghwa warm. He couldn't explain what feeling is he feeling right now, but he felt warm after hearing those words from him.

This is why boyfriend-ing Kim Hongjoong is a bad idea.

"Let's go to the park for a while, is that okay?", Hongjoong asks the male.

Seonghwa nods his head and they head towards the park together, Hongjoong holding the male's hands securely as they cross the main road and entering the park.

Well, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to Seonghwa again, so he's just being protective.

Seonghwa just let him be, but deep inside he's panicking.

He's just not used to these things yet.

They sat on a bench and Seonghwa settled the a box filled with sweet cupcakes in it for the kids at Hongjoong's house.

They got used to calling Hongjoong's members their 'kids' and they find it cute. The members loved being called by that because they feel young and since they consider Hongjoong and Seonghwa as their parents as well.

Hongjoong all this time had his hands over Seonghwa's waist. Not that Seonghwa is uncomfortable at the act, but he's just wondering why every time Hongjoong and he go out especially in the park he would not let go of Seonghwa.

And remembering the past events that happened to Seonghwa, he understood why.

The kidnappings, the catcalling, and other events.. 

He knew Hongjoong cares about him, and he wanted to protect Seonghwa.

He hasn't experienced these things before.. Even before Crimson left him.

The male didn't notice he's been zoning out and looking down as they sat down, and Hongjoong noticed it, immediately worried at the male.

He pats Seonghwa's back gently, "Hey, are you alright? Are you uncomfortable here?"

He didn't expect Seonghwa to suddenly hug him. He hugged Hongjoong tightly and his head rests on Hongjoong's neck, snuggling on the warmth of the other male.

"Hey, what's wrong hun?", Hongjoong gently asks, running his hand over Seonghwa's dark locks.

Seonghwa just hugged him even more and just stayed silent.

And Hongjoong just let him, hugging the male back, and placed a gentle kiss on his head.

"Joong?", he whispers.


Seonghwa slightly pulled away from the hug and kissed Hongjoong on the lips, surprising the male but soon calmed.

He pulled away and hugged him again, "Love you."

Hongjoong was confused about why Seonghwa has been acting a bit different, but maybe he's just tired or overwhelmed at something.

But whatever Seonghwa is feeling at the moment, hearing him say those three words made him soft and he hugged the male tightly and softly replied.

"I love you too, hun."

"Hey, do you have work on the campus after this?"

Seonghwa shook his head and beamed, "Wanna cuddle!"

Hongjoong pats his head and pulled him close by his waist, "Alright. And the kids would love the sweets you brought for them.

"They will."

And they walked towards Hongjoong's scooter and head home.

'Yup. Definitely a bad idea.'



anyway, a short filler because the book lacks seongjoong moments hh


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