Thirteen: Right Or Wrong

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"Really?" I ask Rahim watching as he shoved clothes in his Louis Vuitton duffle bag.

"Yeah. We're going to Kano tomorrow".
"You and?" I ask sitting as I arrange his toiletries in his toilet bag.

"Ya Khalil".

Rahim never really likes travelling, at least not around Nigeria but today he seemed excited, which was odd.

"Why are you smiling? You hate travelling, especially with a car".

"It's huge opportunity, I'll get to meet Nigeria's who and socialise with them and if things go well in Kano—I'll be getting a private project soon" he says giddily.

"But shouldn't they have informed you tomorrow if you're going today?"

"Ya Khalil had to beg his dad to let me come along last minute so honestly I have no problem with it".

I nod.
It's already been two months since I married Rahim and I've gotten used to his presence in the house alot.
He never actually leaves me for more than 12hours and now he's travelling for 8days, that's alot.

"Don't worry, it'll be over and I'll be back before you know it".

"I'm serious".

I smile excitedly "So I don't have to go to that culinary school since you're not home?"

"No, I already called Sanusi and he has agreed to take you there himself, everyday".

"He agreed because he knows I hate it with a passion, he wants to make me suffer" I sulk.

"That was why I called him specifically, I know he'll do it".
He laughs "Who? He or I?"

"Both of you"
"Okay, can you get me my spray in the bathroom?"

I quickly jog and pick it infront of his bathroom mirror and I just couldn't help but stare at it "How did I know Rahim for 13years and had never figured out that he's a clean freak?

His bathroom is cleaner than my bedroom and that's why he prefers doing it himself because he knows how he likes it.

But what I love about him is that he only treats his bedroom and bathroom like this, not every where in the house and honestly it makes me able to breathe. Imagine if he's just as strict as he is with his room.

He says it in ways I won't feel offended, like he asks Shouldn't you arrange the living room? Or I think your parlor upstairs is a bit dusty, you'll stain your clothes if you sit on the chairs sometimes even Come help me arrange these, they're not in their initial position.

"What's taking so long?"

I hurry out and give it to him.
"Are you leaving without eating anything?"

"Yeah what other choice do I have?" he asks still arranging his things.

"Uhhh I can make you some garri, you like it".

He looks at me like I just said the most stupid thing "Seriously? Garri? I'm travelling. Just make me a sandwich".

"Okay" I hurry out.


Rahim just left. The house feels empty already.

I flop on the living room couch staring at the ceiling, thinking of what to do for the 8days ahead.

"What do you want for lunch?" Mama fati asks smiling.

Rahim has been making me cook and when he's not around mama Fati does it instead.

"I'm good, he didn't even eat the oats so I ate it. If you're done you can go though".

She nods "I'll see you tomorrow".
"Okay". I follow her and lock the door behind her.

My phone starts ringing.
"Hello" I answer lazily.
"What's with you today? You sound dull".

"Is it because Rahim isn't in town?"
I was shocked "How did you know?"
"You don't have to sound so surprised, Khalil told me"

"Oh, okay"
"Should I come over?" He asks.
"No. No. No"

"What's wrong? What's with the reaction? You don't want me in your house?"
He sounded hurt.

"No. I can't have a man in the house the moment my husband leaves"
"Now you're referring to him as your husband?"

"Is he not?"
"Fine. We'll talk later"

He ends the call.

Maybe I was a bit too rude buts it's just that I'm in no mood to talk.


I lock the door and put the house keys in my bag.

"Let's go" Sanusi says entering his car.

It's just 10am and I'm going to go see Khameelah then by 2pm I'll go to the culinary school.

"I hope you know that today is reserved for me, right?" I ask entering the passenger's seat.

"I know" He smiles.
He's planning something maybe he and Rahim planned something.


I walk in and find Khameelah and a woman seated, chatting.

"Hello!" I say.
"Ray! Ray!" She runs over and hugs me.

I smile and hug her back. "How you dey?"
She pulls me, sitting next to her.

"No. Did you hear?" she asks with a pout.

"Mukhtar is coming to officially greet my parents" she ends her sentence with a wide smile.

She looks exactly like Khaliq, especially her smile. The only thing that differentiates them is their gender.

"Oh God!" I squeal.

I hug her tightly "I told him, now I won't have to give you away to Salis".

She laughs "Oh!" she gasps "Sorry this is Aisha".

"Oh hi, how are you?"
"I'm great, I've finally met the famous Rayhanah. You and your husband are very popular in Khameelah's family".

"It's because they meant so much to my late brother, may his soul rest in peace".

I smile "Amen. We all miss his goofy but sweet personality".

"Yup. So did you only come to visit because Rahim travelled?"

Well it's true, when he's around I make excuses not to go out unless we are going out together.

"I can tell when you're withholding the truth".

I laugh "Withholding? Yes it's true".

She looks at Aisha "When is he coming? Why is he making you wait so long?"

"Who?" I ask folding my veil.

"Her husband"

I gasp. "You're married?"
She smirks "I look too young right?" she winks.

"Yeah, definitely".
"Nura is her husband".

I freeze.
Oh shit!


Married To My Best Friend. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang