Twelve: Played.

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So when he saw me get ready, he knew what I was going out to do but he never asked because he had another plan.

He knew if he asked I'd tell him and that means he's aware but he didn't then I can't prove that he knows, that way it will mean that I tried to get a job without his knowledge and permission so he has every right to deny me the opportunity to work.

He folds his arms.
This was not how I expected to start my weekend, four days back I was excited about my first day at work and today this, life is unfair.

I feel like a student, the type that was about to pay for repeating the year and Rahim, he was like my father that is about to whip me for not studying and I don't like it, at all.

I adjust myself on the couch as the guy hovered over me. "So today even though it should be the other way round, I'll teach you how to make a bed properly".

"Do I have to?"
"Yes and you better do it right because I plan on making you accomplish so much in two days" He smiles "Now, watch how I make the bed".

I watch as he makes the bed, very well if I might add.

"That's great, I've learned alot" I stand.

"Were do you think you're going? You're not done yet".

He pulls the duvet, followed by the bed sheet, pillows and throw pillows and throws it on the couch leaving the bed bare.

"You'll clean this bed, mine and the bed in the guest bedroom too"

"You have 5mins for each. Hurry and if you don't do it you'll keep remaking it".

I huff "This is torture".

"I'm glad you think of it that way".


I stand by the pantry door watching as he kept putting everything in two massive baskets. The heavy ones like sacks of rice, sugar, beans and grains were dragged out. Spaghetti, cous cous and macaroni cartons were stacked on each other. The yams, sweet potato, onions and Irish potato were in a different basket that was carried out.

He hands me the broom "Sweep it".

"What good will come from doing this?"
He huffs "I've told you, this way we can bring another maid".

"If you know how it works you'll be able to keep a close attention on it, you'll know what's missing instantly".

I squint looking at him unsure.
He rests his hand on my should reassuringly "If you do it well, you'll be able to sleep like a baby tomorrow morning".

I blush thinking about it "Yes, yes. I'll do my best".
"Okay sweep".

After pulling the heavy sack of rice into its initial position it felt like my back was going to break. I turn around and see Rahim seated on the kitchen island eating his snickers and watching on his phone with chocolate wraps all over my kitchen floor.

I walk over and pull the ear piece "I'm done" I rest both my hands on my waist.

He jumps off and inspects it "Perfect, now let's decide what we'll be eating for lunch".

"Fried yam and egg sauce".
"Don't be lazy, that's too easy. Let's make jollof rice".

"Please no, we both know I'll hopelessly fail making it but let's at least eat something edible".

"Fine but it has to be a killer sauce, deal?"
"I'll be waiting"

After arranging the tray as neat and breathtaking as I could I hurriedly go to the living room with it in my grasp.

"Here's your food".
He raises his head and looks at me unsure "Okay".

He collects it, I could see the shock look on his face when he saw it and a bigger one when he eats it.

He huffs "Rayhanah?"
"Hmm?" I smirk.

"You can't make even a simple egg sauce?" he asks looking at me, he looked done with everything.

He shakes his head "Salis's wife is going to be hella lucky and I'm left to train my wife".

I pout "It's good".
He doesn't say a word and gets his spoon with the sauce and hands it to me "Taste it".

I did, it was incredibly salty, I felt like my tongue would fall out. "It didn't taste this salty when it was hot".

I nod.

"Thank god I ordered something and also I got Khameela to get you enrolled in the same culinary school she goes to".

I groan but smile "When would it start?"
"Don't worry I'll be taking you there myself, I wouldn't want you skipping it for anything".

"But you're a busy man"

He smiles "No. No. No. This—" he raises his plate "This taste will forever be motivation to take you there myself".

I sit next to him "After that can I start working?" I ask smiling.

He starts laughing, hysterically "Hmm".

I look at him unsure "Really? The way you laughed and answered said something else completely" I answer.

He nods "Just cause I sound different doesn't mean I'm not being truthful"

I sit back again "I'm exhausted".


Rahim comes in staring at the bed "This looks like the way I'd make the bed when I was 10years" he says and lies down on top of the duvet.

"Haha very funny" I say sarcastically.
"After today I need to sleep in and rest tomorrow".

"You're exaggerating, all you did was eat snickers, watch movies and watch me hustle, how was that exhausting?"

He looks at me like I was being unfair "Because I'm being a supportive husband. How many men do you think will teach their wives how to make beds, cook and clean. I even showed you how to clean mirrors, polish leather chairs, dust off curtains, clean blinds and alot more".

"Slap it in my face" I say sarcastically, standing by the bathroom door with the towel wrapped around my chest "This sexy body doesn't need to work hard".

He rolls his eyes and faces the window instead. I walk over and sit next to him.

"You won't appreciate your wife's sexiness?" I ask pulling his arm.

"Please just let me sleep".
"You're missing out Rahim".

He groans "Okay fine I admit it".
"Good" I get up but the moment I take a set my towel gets pulled "Ahh!"

He starts laughing, looking at me "Sexiness go and bath, after sweating so much".

I pout and pull it "You're being unfair"
"You should have let me sleep" He turns back.


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