Chapter 1

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Alright, this is our first official chapter! I hope you enjoy! :)

Also, be sure to scour Taze's Instagram for any concept art of the comic we're doing of this! 

@TazeArtStudios on Instagram 


The large hallways remained empty and still, the slightest noises echoing throughout the entirety of the castle. Tommy ran down the halls of the palace, followed closely by Tubbo. "Wilbur!" Tommy yelled down the hallway. There was no response except for the loud reverb of his own voice. "Wilbur!" He tried again, and Tubbo echoed his call. They just reached the room when Wilbur popped his head out. "Tommy, what?"

Tommy took a large inhale before explaining. "Tubbo was outside when he ran into Sapnap, who said that Dream wanted to speak with you." Wilbur was still only half-listening, eyes flicking back towards his room.


This time Tommy started in confusion. "What?"

"Why? Why does Dream want to speak with me?"

Tommy exasperatedly ran a hand through his hair. "I dunno, do I? Tubbo told me."

"And I dunno either, that's just what he said. What Sapnap said." Tubbo chimed in.

"Well, is this good news? Is this..." Wilbur trailed off.

After a moment of awkward silence, Tommy spoke up, "Dunno, but I reckon you should figure it out, huh? Do you think we should ask Phil?"

"Tommy, why do you insist on calling our dad by his first name?"

"I dunno, why are you a bard?"

"What's wrong with that? And why are you changing the subject?"

"Well, it's weird, innit?"

"Actually, we're both bards," Tubbo added.

"Shut up Tubbo." Tommy retaliated.

"I'm only half a bard anyway." Wilbur pointed out, finally walking out of his room completely.

"Well, that's even worse, innit? I mean being a bard is bad enough, but being half of one? Pick a side, man. God." Tommy complained.

"Is this really a conversation we should be having anyway?"

"Fair point, Wil. You're right. Focusing. Dream wants to talk, and in my opinion, it isn't good."

"How do you know?"

"Well, it just seems a bit dodgy, yeah? I mean why'd he send Sapnap, of all people instead of coming himself, first of all. Plus he just 'wants to speak with you'? Don't you find that a bit weird? Whatever it is, it isn't good."

"You don't know that, Tommy."

"I think I know, and that's good enough. I'm always right."

"Sure you are. Well, I'm still going to go."

"Yeah, I guess you have to.... but you might want to bring some guards, you know, backup."

"Well, I'm not taking you."

"That's not what I- well, now I'm offended. You've hurt me."

"Good. Listen, I want to finish this potion. I'll tell you when I'm leaving, okay?"

"Okay. See you later, Wil. Come on, Tubbo." Tommy turned away, returning up the hallway they came from. Tommy looked at Tubbo.

"I am right though. Don't you think that's weird?"

"No, I think you're totally right, that is weird. Not much we can do about it though."

"True, true. Well, I better get back to my studies. You can get back to... whatever it is you were doing."

"Catching beeeees."

"...Okay Tubbo. See you."


Tommy went back to his school lessons with his private tutor in the library. He looked out the castle window, glancing into the distance, where a small part of Flordania can be seen.

"I wonder what Dream's up to..." he mused. Then he returned to his work.

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