Chapter 13

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Wilbur rummaged through the kitchen for coffee, but only found some dried up potions, sugar, and a slightly moldy chicken. Throwing away the majority of these, Wilbur sighed, as the voice wormed itself back into his thoughts. "Good. Don't let Tommy think that it's okay, or else he'll start more conflict. No one wants that, do we?"

"I dunno. I feel like shutting him down might make him more prone to lashing out."
"Please. This is for their own good. And who knows best? I showed you the future. I'm trying to help you."

Wilbur thought for a moment. "What are you, anyway?"

"You don't need to know. If I give you answers you'll just demand more. You'll never be satisfied. I'm shutting you down, so you can see why it's going to help Tommy and Fundy. No questions. Got it?"
"I mean, I didn't really need a demonstration, but okay." Wilbur mumbled.

"I'm telling you, it's for your and everyone's good."

"Okay," Wilbur grumbled. "Wish I had coffee though. You know where any coffee is?"

"...sure. Head down to town, Niki's bakery."

"I'm not sure if it'll be open. Niki stayed here last night."

"...It's open."

"How do you know?"

"It's open."

Wilbur packed up his things, heading down the hallways until he ran into Tubbo, looking panicked.

"Hey, Wilbur, have you seen fundy?"

"No? I just woke up. I'm going to Niki's bakery."

"Are you sure it's open? Never mind. I can't find Fundy. I think he might have run off."
"Fundy..." Wilbur ran a hand through his hair. "I'll look for him in town but I really need some coffee."

"Buy some extra, will you? Tommy and I finished it off last night."
Wilbur nodded tiredly. "Sure. See you later, Tubbo."
"See you,"

Wilbur headed towards town in a beautiful sunny day. The grass was moist with dew, and there was no more chilly breeze to be found. He made it to Niki's bakery, and to his surprise, found it open and running, with Fundy inside.

"Fundy? What're you doing down here? We were starting to get worried about you."

Fundy looked up, surprised. "Oh, W- Dad! I didn't know you were up. I thought you'd still be sleeping by now."

Wilbur glanced at Niki. "Unfortunately, Tommy woke me up. I'm just here for some coffee."

Niki smiled brightly. "Sure thing! Coming right up! Do you want a muffin or something to go along?"

Wilbur pondered. "No, but if Fundy wants something I'll pay." He looked towards his son. "You want anything, bud?"

Fundy warmed up to Wilbur, finally losing tension that Wilbur hadn't noticed earlier. "Yeah, can I get a blueberry scone?"

Wilbur smiled fondly at his son, ruffling his fur. "Sure thing. One blueberry scone, Niki."
"You got it!" Niki beamed.

The father-son duo reconciled, they spent a lovely morning together; mostly uninterrupted by the voice in Wilbur's head.

Eventually they said goodbye to Niki and headed back to the castle. It had gotten hot enough to be uncomfortable, and all the coffee they had bought was beginning to weigh them down.

Fundy suddenly looked up, nervous. "Dad?"

Wilbur looked over at his son. "Yeah, Fundy?"

His ears were flattened in fear. "I, uh... I hear something."
Wilbur glanced around, on alert. "Hear what?"

"I think... someone's here..."

Wilbur pushed Fundy behind him, taking their bags of coffee and placing it on the ground. "I want you to run to the castle and tell Tommy that something felt up. If I'm not back in 15, stay inside. They can handle it. Okay?"

Fundy whimpered, "But... what if... what do you think is out there? Why should we be scared? Who would hurt us so close to home?"
Wilbur's eyes were flicking back and forth, never resting. "I have an inkling. It's okay, Fundy. They won't hurt me. I think I'm just going to have a little chat. Go on ahead. Remember, Tommy, 15. Got it?"
Fundy nodded, and was off like a shot.

Wilbur breathed slowly, summoning calm. He surveyed the area, controlling his heartbeat as best as possible. The field was large, and there were few hills. The small flowers that dotted the field were still in the stagnant air, not a breeze to be found. Just still blue, yellow, red, and white dots in a sea of green. Behind him, Wilbur knew the village sat, content and unaware, like a lamb before the slaughter. Ahead, a figure seemed to materialize out of nowhere, from behind one of the few trees that sparsely populated the field. He slowly approached Wilbur, finally coming to a stop a few feet in front of him.

"Hello, Wilbur."
"Hi, Dream. Any, uh, particular reason you're talking to me right now?"

"Well, I just wanted to know if we should have a conversation. You know, discuss the logistics and terms of this war."
"What war, what war? You've never officially declared anything!"

"Yes, well, that was the point of the meeting."

"Well, if you want to discuss the minor conflict, I'm willing to do so. Perhaps in the Holy Land?"

"Discussing war in a church? Well, I suppose that's fair. Safety first. We should also consider discussing the company."
"Company? Who, George and Sapnap? I'd rather they not attend."

"You would. Well, I'm fine with them not being around for the initial meeting. After, of course, I'll need them with me."
"Slow down, Dream. We still haven't officially called it a war."
Dream stared at Wilbur for a moment. "We both know what this is, Wilbur," He said mirthlessly.

Wilbur looked down, nodding quietly. "Fine. We can meet in the Holy Land," He looked up. "When do you want to meet? In a month?"

Dream laughed. "A month? We don't need that much time. Let's do Tuesday."
"Two days?" Wilbur cried. "Don't you think that's a little soon?"

"Not at all. We already know everything we need to know. It's just a formality. There's no need to wait." He cocked his head at Wilbur. "Unless you're planning something?"
WIlbur shook his head quickly. "Of course not. Tuesday is fine. I'll see you then."

Dream smiled underneath his mask. "Tuesday it is," He began to walk away. "At noon- don't be late!" He shouted over his shoulder.

The Unfinished Symphony: A Retelling of the Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now