Chapter 16

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Morning struck, and they all dressed in their uniforms, filing out the door. Fundy waited anxiously inside the castle, only briefly nodding to Wilbur's "We'll be right back". They marched across the land, out of their territory, making their way to the Holy Land.

The silhouettes of Dream, Sapnap, and George were clear to see across the field, all three of them armed but casually leaning against Church Prime. Wilbur lifted his chin, slowing his stride and slowly approaching Dream. As they drew closer, it was very clear what kind of meeting this was going to be. The Flordanians were dressed for battle, including Dream. He was wearing his usual outfit, a fancy royal green shirt, but his cape and crown were gone. The only thing he was still wearing was his mask; the one he wore for battle. Dream's mask was usually connected to his crown, so his 'war mask' was a sure sign of an incoming fight.) Tommy swallowed hard. His bad feeling only grew the closer they came to the trio. Dream noticed Tommy, and smiled wide. Another feature of the war mask was that it was smaller, so Dream's mouth was visible. Dream nodded at Tommy, and probably winked under the mask. Tommy's plan of staying silent had just been thrown out of the window until Wilbur put a calming hand on Tommy's shoulder, giving him a look. Tommy nodded, swallowed again, and followed Wilbur into the church, with Tubbo close behind.


As they were meeting in a church, it was hard to find a proper place for them to all be comfortable. Eventually, it turned into Dream and Wilbur standing in front of the Prime Bell, with the other four in the front pews, two per side. Dream leaned on the counter, but Wilbur stood stiffly.

"So, Dream. I assume you want to take charge of this meeting?" Wilbur asked.

Dream let out a small, confident laugh. "You would assume correctly. We are here to officially declare war." He pulled out some old documents. "Here is a copy of the original Declaration of Independence for L'Manberg, as well as the original Declaration of War between our two kingdoms, as drafted by Flordania's king at the time." He chuckled a bit more. "You should read them later, Wilbur. They can be quite entertaining."

Tommy squinted at the Declaration of Independence. The majority of the print was small, but there was a large portion near the bottom that said 'SUCK IT GREEN BOY'. Tommy stifled a laugh, and Tubbo pinched his leg.

"So, I will leave you with these copies of the two documents, but of course I have rewritten the original Declaration of War so it's an actual declaration."

Wilbur sputtered for a second. "Hold on, Dream, I thought we were going to negotiate at least a little bit! But you're just outright declaring war? Immediately? Over a petty feud with a sixteen year old, no less? Tommy has no political power, is there really a point to get so touchy over some heirlooms? Especially since I hear it was started because of one of your own guards."

Dream glanced at Sapnap. "The matter has been resolved. And this was a long time coming. It may be hard to believe, but finding those documents was a coincidence. And I will not condone knowing our fellow kingdom illegally seceded to run a drug cartel. This war will happen regardless of what you do. It's up to you to deal with it as you wish."

Tommy looked down at the floor, his leg bouncing so aggressively there was probably a dent in the floorboards. Tubbo nervously bit his fingernails. Tommy struggled to keep his thoughts inside. Really, he did. His entire body was trembling along with his bouncing knees, his fingers were tapping a counter-beat, his toes were curling in his shoes, he was biting his lips, and yet nothing could stop him from blurting "Why?"

Wilbur turned to Tommy with murder in his eyes. Dream just laughed. "You know why, Tommy." He turned back to Wilbur. "I'm going to give you time. Say, a few days."

"To do what?" Wilbur asked suspiciously.

"To tell your citizens that you are reforming with our nation, stepping down from power, and shutting down your main source of income. Along with your entire kingdom, of course."

"Dream!" Wilbur shouted, horrified. "You're just... nullifying our entire existence? What about our citizens? Our economy? Our buildings? The castle? Our history? The excessive amount of materials we'll have to move? Are there even homes available for the citizens or are they going to be homeless? Who says the citizens will join you at all? What if they just create a community on their own, outside your kingdom?"

Dream laughed, but he was becoming irritated. "They will be part of our kingdom because they have always been citizens. They will not be allowed to leave for a few months, to avoid revolution, of course. But we'll provide them with housing. I'm not sure about materials. I guess they'll just have to start fresh."

Wilbur stood, aghast, shocked into silence. Tommy's rage was about to boil over. And yet the person who spoke was Tubbo.

"Well, excuse me for saying this, Dream, but technically we don't have to do any of that."

All eyes turned to Tubbo, making him uneasy, but he continued.

"You're declaring war, Dream, thus marking us as an actual nation that is clearly not a part of you. Unless you'd consider this civil war, but still. Anyway, those may be your demands, but we don't have to comply. That's really only a worst case scenario. This is war, so there will be fighting. Whoever wins gets to set the demands. You're just holding your power over our heads, but technically we really have the same social status. We don't need to accept your demands."

Wilbur smiled widely at Tubbo. On the outside he said "Thank you, Tubbo." but on the inside he was screaming, so grateful for bringing the sixteen year old. Dream glowered. "Believe what you want. You'll still have to accept my demands. You'll only lose." Turning, he clapped Wilbur on the shoulder, causing the man to wince. "Well. See you later, Wilbur." The Flordainians left, slightly less cocky then they were before. As soon as they were out of earshot, Wilbur and Tommy exploded.

"YEAH, TUBBO!" "Dude, that was amazing! You totally shut Dream down!" "I am never calling you a child again." "Where'd you get to be so smart?"

Tubbo laughed, relaxing. "It's just etiquette. That's what I was studying."

"And here I thought that stuff was boring and useless," Tommy remarked.

"Tubbo, I personally want you in my cabinet."

"Really?" Tubbo asked, eyes glowing.

"Really." Wilbur promised.

"Hey, what about me? I was quiet!" Tommy complained.

Wilbur laughed. "Yes, Tommy. Very good job." He started heading out, motioning them to follow. "Let's get a pastry in celebration."

"Yay, sweets!" Tubbo cheered.

"Of course, it's not going to be all sunshine and daisies. We are at war. I'm going to need to draft a speech for our citizens- Tubbo, I want you to help- and we need to prepare our militia. We're probably going to need to evacuate some of the area, halt trade, reserve food, but preserve the economy. Also, I want you guys to scan the archives for our history. Come to think of it, I never really learned it. We have a lot of things to do, but..." He smiled fondly at his brothers. I DONT KNOW IF TUBBO IS ACTUALLY RELATED I DONT RMEMEBER "I'm really proud of you guys. Of all of us."

Tommy softened, just a little, at these words. "We're proud of you too, Wil. Couldn't ask for a better king."

Heart warmed, Wilbur decided it was time to drop the seriousness. "Aww, Tommy, are you being sweet? Are you proud of me?"

Tommy flushed. "No- I thought we were being serious, not being weird- Wilbur!"

Tubbo 'awed' behind them as Tommy hit Wilbur on the arm.

"Shut up, let's get some pastries and get out of here."

They day ended on a higher note than it had started. Except...

"I hope you made the right choice, Wilbur."

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