I laid him on the opposite side of the bed before looking at the time and seeing I had to be up in two hours. I crawled in bed and laid next to Harry breathing out listening to his snores next to me.

"I know I'm an asshole for breaking up with you Harry." I breath out. I know he was sleeping but I wanted the universe to know I was doing this for him. Even if he isn't aware I want his spirit to just simmer down enough to where he focus enough to stay alive.

"I think I'm actually in love with you. I know it's been almost two months since I met you but it didn't take two months for me to love you. I wish there was a better way. Where I can love you and protect you at the same time. This mafia life is just hard. Fuck why did I fall so hard for you?" I speak out mainly just voicing my own thoughts.

"I hate myself for this but I'm going to make it right. I promise." I say and I look over to see him still slightly snoring.

He then farts.

"Oh my fucking god! I take it back ew! Harry!" I push his back and squirm out of the bed. That's when I could've sworn I seen a small smile on his face when I started smiling while covering my nose.

It's safe to say I'm in love with him.




I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm. I quickly turned it off before I turned to see Harry still snuggled in my bed snoring softly as the sun peeked through the curtains.

I get up and go get dressed in the usual arming myself. I then place a jumper over my vest and I take a huge breath staring into the mirror trying to make my hair stay in place. It seemed to have a mind of its own today.

I turned back to Harry when I walked over to him and peered down at him. He looked like shit to be honest. He wasn't going to have a great morning so I'd probably have to come back and check on him. When I finish surveillance and checking with Liam I can make sure he showers and eats before resting more.

I push his hair out his softly before reaching down and kissing his temple. I took the opportunity to leave him be.

When I got to the bunker Liam was staying in I had to pass through various rounds of security before I could approach Liam who was guarding yet another door where Anne must've been.

I smiled knowing he'd probably been there all night and knowing Liam was in pain was funny to me.

"How long have you been out here?" I ask smiling and he stares at me with his dead eyes before he slowly raises the middle finger to me making burst into laughter.

"God. I'm so glad I wasn't assigned to this." I smile and he sighs before he rubs his eyes.

"She's been in there snoring all damn night. It sounds like a lawn mower. I'd rather stand out here all night than be in there." He says and I take the place next to him.

"Yeah that's pregnancy for you." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"What brings you here? I thought you were supposed to be guarding Harry?" He asks and I sigh.

"Well he's hungover right now with some other guards keeping watch of him sleep." I say and Liam frowns.

"Why was he drinking? That's not like him." Liam says crossing his arms across his chest.

"We broke up." I say and Liam gasps really loud before I turn to see him looking at me shocked.

"You broke up?! What happened? You were so obsessed with him." He says turning to me slightly and I sigh knowing it was really my fault.

Free Spirit // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now