After what felt like a millennia, she gave a slight incline of her head before greeting them.

"Supreme Leader, it is a pleasure to welcome yourself and your company into our city."

A pause. You caught her eye twitch slightly.

"Prime Senator Vincu, Senator Bularq, we are pleased to be here" Kylo spoke, the modulator eradicating what little emotion may have been held in the phrase. The senator Bularq's blue face wrinkled slightly in a frown, his offence barely masked.

He wouldn't be lasting long.

But Vincu simply smiled to the cohort, her eye snagging on you with a look of controlled intrigue, tipping her head to you before moving forward with the welcome.

You caught the Panatoran's gaze in an instant, his eye raking up and down your body before he reached your glowering face.

Perhaps it was your furious eyes that made his turn on his heel to follow the departing prime senator, or perhaps it was Vicrul beside you, casually swinging his scythe over his shoulder, breaking the male's view of you most efficiently.

The Prime senator walked beside Kylo during the tour of the ground floors facilities, which included shops, holoscreening halls bars and separate glass turbolifts to each conference platform and auditorium.

The thing that stunned you most was the smiles, everyone seemed so happy, so emotive, even seeing frowns and scowls so freely expressed was a breath of cool air to the staleness of a militaries bravado.

The Prime Senator stopped outside of the central turbolift.

"This will take you to your suites, we will send refreshment up with information for this evening's event, I hope you find everything to your taste."

You stepped into the lift with Kylo, watching as Ushar gave a small signal to the troopers who turned to guard the lift, before steeping in himself and pressing the activation button.

You were finally able to breathe again, slumping a little agains the glass opposite the door of the rapidly ascending box.

The view, you let out a little gasp as you turned to face the glass, peering out onto the city, it truly glowed, as the singular sun set it's glass buildings set the orange glow with a joyful elegance.

As the lift slowed you let Kylo's hand pull you from where you were practically drooling over the city.

"Will we get to go out at all?" You asked, looking up to him as he guided you out of the turbolift.

"We need to assess the area first" He said bluntly, veiwng something on a data-pad Trudgen was holding to him as you entered the hall with your rooms on.

So you stood silently beside him, dragging your gaze from the slope of his aquiline nose to take in the sleek modern elegance of the hotel, with black wooden floors and high white walls, decorated sporadically with abstract art and sculptures.

"Come" Kylo said, as the elevator reaches its destination, you nodded, slightly dazed by the entire experience.

He lead you to a room, standing to the side and nodding towards the door.

He had started doing things like this weeks ago, you sighed, focusing on the door and connecting with the force.

Asking for it to open the door.

You squinted slightly, asking again with more energy.

It swung open suddenly and violently, creating a dent in the wall behind it.

Ashes to Ashes  |  A Kylo Ren StoryWhere stories live. Discover now