This Is Judgement or Lack Thereof.

Start from the beginning

"As your Lord, Prince, General and Exalt, I must order you to continue as my second in command until I so choose to denounce you. Is that clear, Maelys?"

It's almost as if the world stopped. Every muscle in her body seemed to melt into a pool of defeat. It's as if my words had killed her spirit. She knows I have won this and she cannot fight back.

My voice gets soft as I address her again, "He never had full control, I know you Maelys. I know you can fight this. If he expects you to blindly follow, we could use that against him. You just have to control it, and surprise him the next time."

"You put too much faith in me," she breathes out.

Frederick steps in again, "Get back up on that horse, Maelys. You can't just give in now." his encouragement warms my heart. For once he puts aside his usually vocal worries and thoughts to offer some much needed advice.

Then even her son - our son - says his piece, "Yeah, besides. I still haven't been born yet. I'd like to see what baby me looked like one of these days."

A red tint of embarrassment graces her white skin, but the faint glint of light in her eyes sends me a message that she will be okay now. She's taking in all of what had been said, and choosing to believe us.

The only thing wrong with this moment was the unsettling disturbed look on my daughter's face as she watches Maelys reprimand Morgan for speaking nonsense.

Wary of Lucina's mindless clenching of her sword hilt, I close the settlement there. "The deed is done, we move only forward from here on out, we can undo the damage. What say you, grandmaster of all tacticians?"

Maelys stands up straight, ignoring our son's antics. " I give my commander a promise to at least try to overcome this." she replies in her own respectful way. "Really.. I-I'll try, Chrom."

Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is not indestrucible. That's just a role she acts very well at. It's these rare moments where she's not just that mastermind, but a simple woman trying her best that show me again just how fond I am of every emotion she has.

"Sire, I will take my leave now to render assistance within the camp, if you no longer need me." Frederick announces, himself quite happy with the way it turned out. Deep down that man adored Maelys as well, even if they clash opinions on most.

I nod my head agreement, "Yes, we all should go see what we can do for our friends." many hands make a load lighter, but as I suggest the idea, Morgan signs me down.

Clearly he wishes to talk.

Talking was starting to ebb at my nerves. I was much more of a take action man. But, he was my son after all. I glance at the two ladies, Maelys already is tying her pack around her waist, preparing to leave, as Lucina barely moved an inch.

I blame that on just her worries, she was terrified of the future playing out like before. I couldn't blame her, yet I didn't know how to consol her further. I could say everything she wanted to hear, but it was up to her to believe it.

"Chrom," Maelys says my name, this time without annoyance, without fear. Just her normal self and it's a glorious occasion, "Yes?"

"Um," that's unlike her, she never gets flustered, the way she glances at the tent before finishing her sentence proves her nervousness. "Thank you."

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