This is the Unexpected Difficulty Setting

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"They should be back by now," Chrom says, glancing at the sky. It was nearing the end of afternoon and darkness would be upon us within the next two hours. The possibility of us camping out on this old merchant's death trap trail was looming closer and closer with every passing second, and none of us could do anything about it.

An hour ago, we had sent Gaius, followed by Lon'qu and Owain to check out where a single arrow flew from. It may not have been such a serious issue, if we were anywhere else but just like the forest pathway, this road was densely packed with greenery, trees and high ground on either side of the path.

It made for limited vision, and we were not positive if the attackers were from the expected raiders and thieves that populated this area, or if it was the Valm mercenaries. My money was on the first suggestion. There was no way the Valmese would know that we had knowledge of this route. We were foreigners after all.

The three quick soldiers should have made it back by now, even though the company had continued it's march, we were a slow group of individuals with this many people. We needed to set a pace that everyone was able to keep up with. The entire recon should have taken but 15 minutes or less.

"Maelys, this settles wrong with me." Frederick's ever wary tone addresses me, and I nod in agreement.

Something must have had happened to them. Hopefully they had not been killed.. I didn't want to think about having to tell Lissa her son had died, coming back from the future. Wouldn't that mean he would never be born?

My mind trails off so easily, I bring it back to reality. "It's been long enough, Chrom - the order is yours. Do we issue an attack, send more people to find them, or wait longer?"

His response is quick, as he probably was already thinking of our options. "Let's send others."

Well, I certainly knew one of the people who would go.


I am a curious and able to defend myself if need be. "I'll go then,"

"No, you are needed here in case of an assault."

"Surely you are capable of leading your men without me?" I say with some questioning, "Give me 30 minutes," I turn to disembark but am caught in someone's grip.

My heart rate can't help but spike as I turn on my heel to face Chrom, "Not alone." his tone is no-nonsense and decisive. I cannot refuse when he is so serious.

"Father, allow me." Lucina walks towards us, and I pull my wrist away from her father's hand. He sighs, "My two best fighters, I'm not so sure of this."

"You have plenty of others here more than capable of defending themselves, as Maelys said, only 30 minutes and we shall be back with news."

Lucina was always so level headed and serious, she was definitely her father's daughter. I didn't notice anything about her that resembled Sumia's gracious and clumsy nature and she didn't share any physical attributes other than maybe her mother's small stature.

"30 minutes," Chrom finally says.

Lucina nods, "Yes, Father."

He turns to me and clasped my shoulder, "Something doesn't feel right, if you are not back, we will attack."

"As you wish," I reply, then gaze over at Lucina, "Shall we depart then?"

She adjusts the belt at her side and gives a simple nod. We are on our way.


Chrom's POV.

I cross my arms as they walk out of our ranks. This did not settle well with me.

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