This Is A Heavy Load.

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Maelys's POV.

Maybe I shouldn't have brought along my collection of useless old tomes with no juice left in them.

Maybe it was time to dump the box out and burn them in a glorious show of flames and explosions.

Maybe I should just lie down for a second..

I slowly make my way to my small pallet, in the middle of my larger than average size tent. As the tactician, I had special perks that I was more than happy with, and luckily no one found it unfair.

I sometimes even let people spend the night in mine, on especially cold nights or when I'm feeling lonely.

Ew, not men though. Except maybe Ricken one time when he was upset about his mother.  He's too much like a little sibling for anything to have happened though, even if there was talk among camp the following morning - Which a little bit of stray fire nipping at some flapping lips shut down the absurd talk and was never brought up again.

I lower myself down, surprised at how much I ached. I felt creaky all over, like an old person and it took far too long for me to get down here. I cursed myself for being clumsy and not continuing the fight.

It was unavoidable though, I could not have prevented myself from being wounded. There was just too much going on, and too many people to fend off. At least they didn't cut me up right then and there and have me for their evening meal.

But I was sure this scar would be here forever.

Morgan had left when I asked him to tell Chrom all was ready to march out. I knew the commander would be ready to leave. Just walking outside I could see how close we were to the cannibal's little community. We shouldn't have even stopped here, me dying or not. This could have been a massacre if we were ill prepared.

Sighing, I raise a hand to my forehead, feeling the sweat pool up at my hair line. On top of figuring out our next  moves, I also have a son to deal with. One who's father is already married.

One who's father knows about the entire situation and eventually I have to face.

Dear Naga, why have you given me this load?

It wasn't as if I hadn't thought this all through, obviously, if Chrom and I never.. Do that deed.. (How I shiver at the thought) Morgan will not come into being. Then I gave it thought, of course if I marry someone else, Morgan may still be the same. He is my child after all.

But that musing I shot down as well. He wouldn't be the same, he would take on some of his father's personality traits. That was probably why I adored him so much already, he reminded of Chrom, if he had been just a tad more flamboyant, and whiny..

Did that mean I was flamboyant and whiny?

Wait, did my son turn out to be feminine?

I bring down my hand onto my forehead quickly, giving myself a wake up slap, I've severely gotten off track. Must be the effects of the healing spell at my hip.

There must be something that I can do to keep my mind off of the inevitable tasks I must preform, I wasn't avoiding them.. Just conveniently letting them slide until they absolutely and positively needed to be addressed. That wasn't procrastination; I told myself, I just needed to go fill my head with work. It was the exact opposite.

I sit back up, careful to avoid stretching my hip bone out of place, and stare at the things I needed to take down. My tent was simple, for being large. Whoever set it up for me knew exactly how I liked it as well, probably Ricken.. Or Tharja.

Shivers went up my spine, oh how I hoped Tharja had not been the one to assemble the enclosed space.. What if she found a stray hair strand wrapped up in my bedding? Oh dear Naga. I shudder to think at what kind of wicked sorcery she may curse upon me, or any poor being that comes into existence from her obsessive desire to create a clone of me who would love her.

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