This Is A Mother's Love

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Maelys's POV.

The camp was shockingly bustling and wide awake as I exited the tent. It was a cloudy morning, the sun fought through the thick blanket in the sky, but it was losing.

I couldn't take laying there anymore, plus the noise was enough to probably wake the Risen from their dead ashes, so I rolled up my sleeping mat and made my way out into the world.

There were so many people up and about, gathered in the little courtyard that we retreated to. We had been spread out more before the attack but since that area had been destroyed everyone learned to be cozy.

"My friends, may I have your attention?"

Oh, that explains why so many were in this small space.

Chrom stands on top of some broken pieces of wood, gathered from the destruction of last night. He uses it to have a vantage point and so that everyone can see him, instead of just hearing from afar.

I frown slightly, what was he going to speak about? Especially when he hadn't met with me yet.. Of course he was the commander, he could do as he pleased but it didn't sit well. I had to remind myself to trust him.

"The night has been long, some of you haven't slept and the injured are still being treated. We will no doubt be camped out here for another day, so with that knowledge I urge those of you who haven't rested, to do so now and those of you who have please stay here so I can give you duties that need accomplished today." his voice rings out strong and resilient.

The crowd moves around and I notice more than half of them heading for sleeping quarters and tents. I realize that along with the damaged entrance to our camp, some convoys and carriages had been burned too, which meant that some people had lost tents and their sleeping mats.

That's when I catch a glimpse of a bone weary, feet dragging Panne and I flag her down. Being a tanguel she had insisted "I don't tire as easily as you humans. I shall be offering aid until my feet give out." that had been last night while I sat at a table eating the evening meal with her and a couple of others.

"Panne! Take my tent, you didn't sleep a wink last night did you?" I call to the rabbit like woman. She waves slowly, "I'd rather my son take a break first. For the coward he is, there's a helpful willing heart to replace."

I shake my head, "Then go find him and share the tent. You may not be human, but you still exhaust."

She gives a smirk, "You should be glad that I respect you, or else I'd take that as an insult." I playfully roll my eyes, and she speaks again. "Thank you, we will gladly take your quarters." and then dark haired woman bounds off, in search of the masses of people for her son.

Her husband, Gregor had been on the battlefield yesterday, and as one of the strongest, I saw him helping Vaike as I walked past so I figured he got to be one of the few to sleep last night. Either way, if I saw him, I'd ask and send him to be with his family if my assumptions were incorrect.

As it settled down, Chrom addressed the rest of us standing there. Which was less than half, but still plenty to get things done.

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