This Is Confusion And Doubt

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Maelys's POV.

A sleepy small boy lays his head in the lap of an older girl, the different shades of blue hair rivaling each other for the rank of 'most beautiful' Their ages must be between 6 and 10, as they were small but old enough to be left alone for a few precious moments as two older figures stand near a tree in a deep conversation.

"You can't go on like this," the man says, his own blue hair much like the children's was lined with a few stray gray hairs, he seemed too young to have grey appearing, but his eyes showed a deeper struggle.

The woman leans against a tree, rubbing her temples, "I am fine, my love. Please don't draw attention, they don't need to know."

"Know what? That you aren't well? They have a right, Maelys!"

"Chrom!" She cries, "I don't know what is wrong with me, but it's not an illness. I don't feel like myself, I feel like something is trying to take over, I feel like one day I may just lose myself completely. That's not something that our children should know!"

He shakes his head in disbelief, "How do I help you?" he says after a long silence.

She lays a hand on his beating chest, "By letting me go so I no longer am afraid of hurting those I love the most."

"No, Maelys, stay asleep! We haven't finished sewi..."

The words are ignored as my upper half bolts up from the hard medical table, I feel something ripping from my lower half, at first it's numb then an intense and unbearable pain worse than when I had been slashed makes it's presence known.

I let out a strangled cry, clenching my teeth together so I wouldn't make more noise then necessary. "What did you do to me?" I manage to grind out with looking at Maribelle.

"Hush, hun. It was infected from the surroundings. There was no other choice but to dig the particles of inflamed flesh out, clean it, then try and sew it back before you woke."

I stared at her, teary eyed. Not because I was afraid or sad, but from the obvious pain I was going through.

"Just lay back down.." the heiress gently helps me lower my back onto the table. "I'm going to give you something to let you sleep more, it'll be better for both of us."

Maribelle really had grown up and learned how to take charge in a different way since I first met her, spoiled and a young brat, now she was still entitled but she took healing very seriously and was a sight to behold on the battlefield, her staff constantly healing, she would steer her horse right into brawls, granting defense. She was fearless.

Her staff lingers over my eyes and I see a bright light before falling back into a deep sleep, dreams of three blue haired people filling my mind the entire time.

Chrom's POV.

I believe it's time I take the situation into my own hands as my two children.. Gods that sounds unbelieveable, start fighting like.. Well children.

Of all the time I had been in contact with my daughter, she never seemed like the type to bicker like a child with someone. Apparently the exception would be with a sibling, just as Lissa and I used to.

It still came as a shock to me though.

How did the older me deal with this?

"Morgan," I start, and he turns his attention to me full force.

"Yes, father?"

The Hurt Reality (Fire Emblem: Awakening Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara