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     After a few glasses of rosé, the girl did live up to her name, as her cheeks turned into a bright pink mixed with a few drops of red. It seemed like the redheaded girl only got more talkative as she ingested the pinkish liquid. She started babbling about diverse, trivial things that everyone encountered. One interesting thing about her was that she made even weather sound interesting. He had heard the things she said a million times before, yet he could have listened to her talk for hours about the same subject and not get once bored. After the fourth glass of beer he started relaxing enough to say more than just a three words sentence.

      "I never met someone... To talk about weather and make it interesting"

      Rosé let out a soft giggle but Jay was confused. He immediately looked at her, like he was begging with his eyes for an explanation. The girl didn't pay attention to his expressions but accepted his compliment right away.

       "Thanks. It's the ultimate compliment, honestly. I guess the weather conversation always works" But it wasn't the subject. It was her soft voice and the way she seemed to get even more excited at meaningless things when drunk. He had only met her maybe an hour ago but as they both got more relaxed, it seemed like they had more in common. 

       "I'm working as an editor at this small bussiness. The boss is like a leech, trying to suck all the will to live and energy out of us. We aren't many employees and it takes a lot of our time. Too much... I'm so far from finishing my draft..." 

       "I feel you. I don't even work in something related to what I do. In a coffee shop and do write songs in my free time. But it's hard to do anything when I have so much work to do."

      "You first try your best not to starve and then pursue what makes you happy. That's an important lesson to learn. You either learn that by being told or the hard way."

      "What about you?" Jay asked, feeling a little dizzy after drinking so much. The music was piercing his eardrums and the powerful lights were blinding him. Everything wasn't helping with the diziness.
       "The hard way. And you?"

       "I'm really tired. I think I'll go home..." Jay said. As much as he enjoyed to be around Rose, he was soon going to collapse if be didn't go home.

       "Sure, go ahead." She sounded tired as well, but he didn't want to look creepy by offering a ride home. It was really difficult to make a choice. She looked tired and drunk.

       As he looked for his wallet, Jay started panicking. She noticed immediately and stopped his search vy touching his hand. "It won't appear if you check a tenth time. I got you"

      The girl forced a smile and took her wallet out. She paid for her and his drinks. "Don't think I'm throwing money around, as if I don't have anything to do with it," she told him as he prepared to thank her. "Give me your number. Maybe buy me a glass of wine or something next time"

       Jay, to dizzy to be able to process all the information that the girl was throwing at him so he simply took her phone and wrote it in. It took him a good minute to remember and write the number correctly but he did it.

       "Need a ride home? You look like you're gonna soon have a date with the floor."

       "In this state, I'd rather keep my handsome face intact and save myself for another date. So, yes, please"

       "That makes two glasses" She winked and then slowly made her way out of the club followed by Jay.

       Fortunately, Rose's guts were right and she didn't need to escape a potential creep.

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