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"I can't believe you're finally going on a date! It's been two years!"

Jane squealed like a puppy as she did Rose's hair. She seemed even more thrilled than Rose about the date, it made Rose feel like it wasn't her that was going on the date. Rose wasn't excited, she was just nervous, and Jane mentioning the fact that she hadn't dated in two years didn't help at all. In fact, it made her question if it really was a good idea. It wasn't like she had lots of free time, having to constantly juggle with part-time jobs. Rent and food weren't going to pay themselves. 

"You sure are happy..."

"Well, it's been two years," Jane made a pause, shrugged her shoulders off and then continued. "Finally, when we meet with the girls, you don't have to shut up and just listen when we are talking about guys."

"I'm extremely happy not having to deal with the drama and just listen to y'all talk! I don't want to waste another two years because of one guy" 

"Just because you had one bad experience doesn't mean all relationships are like that! If it was like that, Hye-min wouldn't have gotten married."

Rose just rolled her eyes, not wanting to carry on with the conversation. While Jane wasn't wrong, that didn't mean that Rose would immediately get rid of her past experiences. She still didn't feel comfortable with the idea of having a boyfriend.

"You're overthinking it. He still has time to realise you're an idiot. I know you've thought so much about it you even imagined the break up, you're so unbelieveable!"

"You're right. It's just one date, not even a date, just going out with a new friend I made. Just because we flirted a bit doesn't mean he wants to date me. Like, be my boyfriend or something. He probably invited me just because he wants to be polite. I payed for his drinks, he must feel guilty or something."

"Just, relax. Think of him as a friend and everything will be alright. And don't bore him with your infinite knowledge on wine! I'll pray that he doesn't mention anything about wine, 'cause once you're started, you have no stop."

"Bro, I know what to say and what not. I'll bombard him with tea knowledge later, if he still wants to be my friend."

"Can't see why he wouldn't." 

"Biggest compliment I got from you since we met." Rose said it jokingly.

"I could make a list with bigger compliments. But I'll spare you this time. Anyways, I'm done with your hair. Did you decide what you want to wear?"

"Jeans and a white t-shirt?"

"And this is why you have me. Let me pick your clothes, I already have an idea. Maybe that dress I gifted you. Yes! It's a great idea!"

"I mean, I guess it's a cute idea..."

"Yes, it is! Go put it on!"

She put the dress on and then looked in the long mirror at how she looked like. Rose had to admit that she liked what she saw. Suddenly, she felt as excited as Jane. She wasn't sure whether she just forgot to keep herself from fantasising about the going-out-as-friends thing or if it was just going out in that outfit.

"Okay, you were right, I'll give you that."

"I always am" Jane gave her a wide smile and then checked her phone. "Shit! You have to go soon, else you'll be late. Should I drive you there?"

"No, you don't have to worry about me. Didn't you have to do something as well?"

"That can wait! I'll always make time for you, so it's you who doesn't need to worry. Let's go, do you have everything?"

Before answering with a 'yes', she checked her purse. Keys, portable battery, wallet, earphones. Everything she needed was in there, yet, after walking outside, she felt like she forgot something, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

They didn't talk a lot, as Rose was trying to calm her racing heart down. Now that the moment was closer, she became restless. Her hands were extremely cold and she tried to distract herself.

"We're here, right?"

Rose looked through the window, only to discover that they were really there. The cafeteria looked even cuter than in photos and she figured out that the insides wouldn't disappoint. She also noticed Jay, probably waiting for her. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt and Rose just realised that her wearing a dress was better. Her intention when she picked the first outfit wasn't to look like his twin sister.

"Yes. That's the guy, right there."

Jane covered her mouth as she noticed the boy and then started laughing. "I saved you from not matching with him, what a shame!"

"I... I wanted to take my blue pair of jeans!"

"But you love the black one! Caught in a lie!" She accentuated the word 'lies', and then laughed again.

"I don't find anything funny in this" Rose rolled her eyes looked at Jay again.

"No, it's just that... Damn, you two could be twins. Maybe you should dye your hair back to your natural color."

"Ahh, shut it already" She gently hit Jane in the back of her. "I have to go, else I'm gonna be late."

"Ah, yeah! Go, good luck, text me if you need me to do the dead grandma scenario."

"I hope we won't need it."

"Just, good luck. And don't be weird!"

"Yeah, yeah, bye!"

Rose got out of the car as fast as she could and went to Jay. While she walked towards him, she realised that her heart raced again. It had stopped for a bit while she and Jane bantered.

"Hello, Jay!"

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