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"Damn Huey." Ming said. "Where'd you learn that?"

Huey shrugged his shoulders, getting back dressed. Ming followed him out of the room and back downstairs. "Well, I'll be leaving now..." Ming said. "I have things to take care of but..." She took out a napkin out of her purse, along with a pen.

She wrote her number down on it. She handed the piece of paper to Huey. "If you ever wanna talk, just call." Ming kisses him on the cheek and left the house.

Huey looked at the napkin and pocketed it. He didn't plan on calling her, but then again you never know. He sat down on the couch, watching tv.

It wasn't the same channels from before he got locked up. It was all foreign and he didn't understand it.

Huey thought about when he tried to change the channel in prison.

Huey and the rest of the prisoners were in the cafeteria, watching TV. Huey looked to his friends. "I don't wanna watch this shit, my brothers on TV I gotta see it." Huey says to one of them.
The friend puts his hand on Huey's shoulder. "I wouldn't go change that channel if I was use youngen." He said.
Huey shook him off and went to the tv. He stood up on one of the tables and he began to switch the tv to something else. Finally , he saw his brother. He hopped back off the table and he started to notice people were beginning to crowd him. A white man pointed at him. "You turnt off the tv, nigger!"
A Hispanic man approached him "You tryna get cut foo?" One says. 
Finally, his group comes to the rescue pushing everybody else out of the way. "He's new, it won't happen again." One of the members said. "I owe you both you a carton of cigarettes." The white man and Hispanic raised their eyebrows. "It's okay this time, but next time I'll rip him limb from limb." The white man
said and walked away with the rest of his group, the Hispanic man did the same.

Huey snapped out of it and began watching tv again.


Cesar patted LaKeishas back as she threw up into the toilet. "So do you know where the remaining gang members hang out at?" Cesar asked. "Yeah, around the blo-..." She blew chunks into the toilet. "Around the block, there was somebody talking about Huey just last week. You might wanna go see why." She said.

Cesar raised his eyebrow. "I will." He stood up and walked out of the bathroom. He entered the living room and grabbed his coat on the way out. He left the house and started to walk around the block. This was all going to Cesar's plan. He was going to get revenge on everybody that let him rot for twelve years.

He got around the block and he saw a bunch of people, sitting down and smoking dope in front a house. He adjusted his coat and began to strut over there.

A girl noticed him and threw her blunt away. she hopped off the hood of the car and walked up to Cesar. "What you want?" The girl asked.

"You the girl that was talking about Huey Freeman?" Cesar asked.

"And if I was?"

"The maybe we could help each other. I know where they live at. Huey got out yesterday."

The girl raised his eyebrow.
"I know you nigga. You was the dude that went to prison on them charges. Aight. Aight."

"Yeah, Yeah. If I can I ask. Why do you hate Huey anyways?" Cesar asked.

She snickered. "When y'all niggas was down in Chicago. Huey ran up inside my house pointing a gun at my dad when I was 2. To make a long story short he killed my dad. And now I'm 14 and I want the nigga dead." She said, pulling out a pistol. "I'll help you, nigga. And my homies will too, don't nobody like that Huey nigga."

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