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Huey was at Jazmine's apartment packing up all the money he and Riley had made from the cocaine sells. Jazmine wasn't there, she was at the hospital. She had a miscarriage due to the fight they had two days ago.

Huey zipped up the duffle bag and walked out of Jazmine's apartment. He reached into his pocket and dialed up Riley. "I got the money, meet me outside the complex." He said.

"Fasho." Riley said and the line went dead.

Huey went down the elevator and went outside the apartment complex.

He waited for awhile before Riley's SUV pulled up in front of him. Huey stepped into the car and threw the duffle bag in the back.

Riley looked over to Huey. "You got some clothes packed?" Riley asked.

Huey shook his head. "Why?"

Riley chuckled. "Because if you think we bout to go to Colombia and not go to some strip clubs and some parties, you crazy ma nigga." He started up the car and then began driving to the Riley's private jet.

"Parties? We're going there to give them their money and hopefully work out a deal to get out of this bullshit." Huey responded.

Riley cracked up. "I just got out of one of the worst relationship in human history, ma nigga. As much as I loved Cindy, I'm glad to be out of that shit. Now, here's what we about to do when we get to Colombia. Yo ass can stay at the hotel. I'm going to the strip club and partying with some Colombian bitches. That's good with you?"

"As long as we're leaving the next day, I don't give a fuck."


The rest of the way to the airstrip was very silent...

Finally they pulled up to the airstrip. Riley stepped out of the car and opened the door to the backseat. He reached in and took out the dufflebag loaded with money.

Huey stepped out and shut the door. He went inside the jet, with Riley following close behind him.

The pilot headed in lastly and the flight began.

Huey caught up on some sleep while Riley poured himself some champagne and posted on his snap story.

"Yeah we sippin this champagne, going to Colombia. Most of you niggas ain't ever seen a private jet. Y'all ain't doing it big like me quit it!" He finished the snap story and rewatched. "Yeah this the one." 

A few hours later...

They finally arrived in Colombia. As their plane landed, two Colombian people were already there. They opened the door to the jet and greeted Huey and Riley. 

"We're here to take you to Peter and Javier." One of them said. Riley nodded and picked up the dufflebag, handing it to one of the people. Riley stepped out of the plane with Huey following behind. There was a truck there waiting for them. Huey decided he'd jump in the back with the two colombians while Riley sits up front.


Slickback counted up the money he was making off Crazy eyes. "Damn, girl.. These niggas like you. You smart and apparently my niggas say you can suck a dick." He said, packing up the dough.

Crazy eyes wiped her mouth. "Maybe, I can stop doing this. Seeing as I got you that new position with Riley. And he left you in charge."

Slickback chuckled. "Listen, girl. I thank you for that but, the day you stop bringing in money like this is the day you can stop slurping dick and start helping with my organization. Until then, you can do both."

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