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 Huey finally arrived at the pizzeria, he went around back and climbed through the abandoned window. He walked through the building before going to the backroom, he found Namond and Slickback. 

"What's up young brotha." Slickback said and strutted over to Huey. He reached into his jacket pocket, taking out a stack of money and slapping it into Huey's hand.

"That's for that problem you took care of and a little extra because of little mixup." Slickback turned around and went to sit down. "Namond, tell him what's go on." Slickback ordered.

Namond nodded and looked at Huey "So basically, that dude you had a problem with Gangstalicious, he moved in on Slickback's turf with his little gang and now he's tryna to claim this turf as his own. As you know we can't have no nigga, moving on our bidness, without a little kickback so--" Namond walked out of the room for a moment, coming back with a dufflebag. He unzipped it and he poured insides on nearby counter. It was two Uzis. Namond looked at Huey.

"Me and you are going to shoot up their block. We ain't killing nobody, we just wanna make sure they know that they know who they're fucking with and that they aren't going to take Slickback's turfs and hoes because they feel like it. You in?" Namond asked.

Huey thinks about it for a moment and then he nodded his head. "I need the money and so yeah, I'm in." Huey daps up Namond before grabbing one of the uzis.


Riley finally arrived home after a long day of managing other peoples music. He stepped out of his car and went inside. "Cindy?" He says, looking around and finding little Robert in the living room knocked out with a bag of chips, messed all around the floor. "Cindy!" Riley yells.

He searches all around the house, looking for her and doesn't find her. "How is she going to leave her baby at the house alone, what the fuck?" Riley takes out his phone, dialing her number and calling it. He waits for it to answer but he hears a phone ring in his house. Riley looked around the house for a moment and went back into the living room, he lifted up one of the couch pillows and there was Cindy's phone.

"Fuck!" He yelled, hanging up.

A few minutes later Riley received a phone call. He picked it up. "Hello?"

"We have your bitch, you want her? Bring Huey to us." The voice on the other line said.

"Cindy if you play--" Riley is cut off by the voice again.

"Listen, ain't nobody playing with your ass, I'll kill this fucking bitch, I don't care, you bring me Huey or your bitch is lit up and that's that." The voice went silent and the phone hung up.

Riley sat there in shock for a moment. Cindy had been there to comfort Riley when Huey had been in prison. But, he couldn't give up Huey, his blood brother. Riley takes a seat on the couch, truly in shock.


Riley walks into his small little apartment. He eyes a pregnant Cindy and smiles. 

"How's Huey holding up in court?" She says

Riley smile immediately faded away. "They said their is no way to prove he is innocent of his crimes. Jazmine won't show up to court because of trauma, that bitch and Cesar is refusing to say anything. So, he could be facing a long time." Riley said. 

Riley sat down next to Cindy on their couch, she places a hand on Riley's arm. "Listen, from what I know, Huey got you mixed up in this didn't he? You didn't want to be involved with Birdie and go half way across the country, he did this." She said, trying to comfort Huey.

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