Lost In Time

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Morning arrived too soon

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Morning arrived too soon. 

Groggily, I forced myself to get out of the comfort and warmth of my bed. Slowly, I got myself together and headed outside, only to be blinded by the bright sun. I groaned, squinting against the light until my eyes adjusted. Today was going to be a long one.

Remembering Nixon's jump, I headed for the med station to lend a hand in case any of the men who went needed help after. Along the way, I spotted Speirs carrying two silver serving trays with more silvered items stacked on them. I shook my head at his ability to find valuable items...and I knew that 'find' was a loose word for the term.

Entering the med station, I saw Doc Roe clearing a miserable-looking Nixon, who brushed past me without uttering a word or even looking at me. I turned to watch him storm outside, climb into a Jeep, and about run over Speirs as they pulled away. Glancing over to make sure Speirs was all right, our eyes locked. I could see the regret in his eyes over Nixon, leaving me wondering if he spoke to the man before his jump or not as I asked.

I turned back to Roe. "Did I oversleep or something?"

"No," he replied, tossing some used supplies into the trash can by his feet, "they came back early."

"What happened?" 

"Their plane was hit. Only three survived." 

"What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "How's he holding up?"

Roe shrugged, motioning aimlessly toward the door. "You saw how he was. He's been like that since his return."

I swallowed, worried for Nixon. As I studied Doc Roe, I noticed something else lingering behind his expression. "What?"

"I've heard some rumors about us moving out again," he told me glumly. "Might as well get things organized." I nodded before getting to work but found myself distracted by the latest information. We were so close to the end of this war, or so it seemed, yet we were still losing men. It didn't seem right or fair - they should be home with their families instead.

That late afternoon, we were ordered to gather our things and assemble in the square. We learned we'd be heading towards Hausach to invade Hitler's mountain where reports came to us that he and his men were supposedly holed up inside, hoping to start what would be considered 'a hero war'. The men were in high spirits as they thought about having the chance to break down Hitler's front door and take a shot at him. Everyone believed the war would be over if someone could get close enough to the man.

As we waited by the trucks for transport to arrive, Nixon shouted for everyone to hear, "She's taking everything! She's taking the kid, the house, the dog! It's not even her dog! It's my dog- she's taking my dog!"  He threw his helmet into the front seat of the Jeep before bracing against it. 

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