Chapter 8

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Dean's POV

"What's taking her so long?" I wondered aloud, as I leaned against Baby.  Sam sat inside the car, his window rolled down, as he turned to gaze at the little store. 

"I don't know. Maybe you should go check on her.  We finished pumping the gas a little bit ago and a bathroom break shouldn't take this long."  Sam pointed out.  I had to admit. He had a point. 

"Well, I don't want to go up in there and embarrass her."  I mused, pursing my lips.   Sam laughed, shaking his head.

"You're her dad.  It's kind of your job." 

I chucked, and nodded, before sauntering my way to the store.  I could see her then, standing at the counter.  She seemed angry, and like she was about to climb on top of the thing. 

"What on earth?" I growled, storming inside.  At the sound of the doors chime, both her and the cashier who seemed to be way too jolly, turned their attention towards me.

"See, that's my dad.  He'll beat your ass if you don't give me my stuff!" She yelled, finally fulfilling her mission of climbing on top of the counter. 

"What the hell?!" I ran over, pulling her down off of the cabinet, setting her back down on the floor.  She growled, and glared at me.

"Dean, this guy has been taunting me for at least the last five minutes.  He won't give me my snack even though I've already paid for it."

"Oh come on, lighten up.  There's nothing wrong with teasing a cute little girl."  He purred, finally handing Leah her purchase.  She snatched it from his grip and wiped it off with her shirt. 

"Dude, that's not cool.  She's like, fourteen."  I spat.   The man turned his attention to me, seeming to finally actually see me for the first time.  He straightened up then, clearing his throat. 

"Of course.  I didn't mean it like that, sir." 

I growled, shaking my head, as I turned, guiding Leah outside with me.  Once we were clear of the store she ran ahead, laughing as Sam said something to her as she climbed into the back seat.  I could still taste the bile in my throat.  The man in the store gave me bad vibes and I didn't like it.  But there was nothing I could do.  We hunted monsters, not people. 

I got in the drivers seat and revived the engine, quickly pulling out of the parking lot.  We were speeding, something I didn't normally do unless necessary, but I didn't really care.  We weren't far from Bobby's now and I was ready to be done with this unfortunate little road trip and I still had bad feelings swirling around my head about the convenience store man. 

Suddenly the van was filled with the sickeningly sweet scent of artificial blueberry.  I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Leah tearing at the taffy with her teeth like some kind of feral animal.  It made me want to laugh, just a little.  She spotted me watching her, and smiled, showing off the candy stuck in her teeth.   She took a swig of her coke before leaning forward, propping herself up on the back of the bench seat. 

"So, what's this Bobby guy like?" She asked. 

"You'll love him.  He's a real old friend of ours. Practically like a second dad to us." I replied, turning my attention back to the road. 

"He's a little rough around the edges, but you'll learn to love him."  Sam chipped in.   "Or at least tolerate him." 

"Hmm.  Well doesn't he sound just great."

Leah sighed, before leaning back in her seat

"What's your problem now?" I demanded.  It wasn't hard to hear the hint of annoyance in her voice. 

I groaned.  I had a long road ahead of me.

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