Chapter 10

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Deans POV

  "Now, Bobby...don't look at me like that." I complained when I saw his glare.

"You care to explain, boy?" Bobby asked.  His glare continued to bounce from me to Leah.  I didn't like the way he seemed to be sizing her up. 

"It's not what it looks like, I promise."

"Really? Cause it looks like you got yourself into some deep shit." Bobby retorted.  He groaned, before running his palm down his exasperated face. Sam laughed, as if the situation was funny, and I shot him and evil look before he walked off into the kitchen, shaking his head.

"Gimme a break, okay? I just found out she existed and her mom was ganked by a vamp."

"You sure she's yours?" Bobby asked. He took his flask out of his pocket and took a long swig before wiping his mouth on his sleeve. 

"Yeah.  The timing lines up.  Besides, it's like looking in a mirror." 
I turned to look at her and she raised her brow, as if confused, before turning to avoid both mine and Bobby's gaze. 

"Alright. Fine, we'll talk more about this later."

There was an uncomfortable silence between us then that seemed to last for a beat too like before Leah cleared her throat, reminding us of her presence. 

"Right.  Lemme show you to a room, I guess." 
Bobby motioned for Leah to follow him, and she did, after giving me a worried look.  I ushered her on and she continued without complaint.  I already figured which room Bobby was going to give her.  It was probably the one right between mine and Sams rooms.  Although, we barely used them.  The majority of the time we ended up crashed out on the sofa.  The same went for Bobby.  His room was at the end of the upper hall, but he was usually passed out at his desk 90 percent of the time. 

I turned and went into the kitchen.  Sam had left to give us a little privacy but it didn't really matter.  We both know he saw the hole thing.  He was sitting at the old breakfast table, with his feet propped up in the other chair, drinking a beer.

"That went...lovely." He mused.  I didn't like the smug tone in his voice. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing.  Honestly I expected more of an outburst from Bobby.  He handled it pretty well."

"I guess"

Sam shrugged before lowering his feet so I could take the seat opposite of him.   He took a long sip of his beer before leaning forward and looking me in the eye. 

"Are you ready for this?" He asked.

"Ready for what?"

"Living with a teenage girl, being a dad, and having to worry about her safety every waking moment?"

I could tell he was joking.  At least partially.  But, I answered honestly.

"Absolutely not. But I've got to adjust.  We're the only family she has now."

"Are you sure about that?"

I jumped, startled.  I hadn't noticed that Bobby had come back downstairs.  Leah wasn't with him so she must have stayed in the room he had given her.  He leaned against the wall, with his arms crossed, as he glared at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure.  Her mom was killed by the vamps and I know Hannah's parents died when she was little and she was an only child as far as I know."

"That's unfortunate.  This house really isn't kid friendly."

"It's gonna have to be."

Bobby continued to glare and I could sense Sams amusement at the situation despite the seriousness. 

"Would you quit glaring at me like that, Bobby? It's not like I'm some 15 year old kid coming home to tell you I knocked a girl up."

"No.  It's worse.  You brought home a teenager." 

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