Chapter Three

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Leah's POV

I could feel myself slowly coming back to my senses.  Everything hurt.  My eyes fluttered open, and as far as I could tell, I was alone.  I was lying on a cold, hard, floor in what appeared to be some abandoned shack.
I had no idea where I was.  I tried to sit up, but a searing pain shot through my entire body.  I winced, and tried to keep from calling out in pain.  I knew I needed to get out of here, but I wasn't sure how I could.
I was fairly certain one of my legs was broken. I could hardly move it without excruciating pain.  That was going to put a damper on whatever plan  of escape I could come up with.  My head was killing me. I slowly reached around to the source of the pain, vaguely remembering the white hot sensation I had felt before passing out. 
There was something warm and sticky on the back of my head.  I had a feeling I already knew what it was.  I slowly lowered my hand, and sucked in a breath at the sight.  It was covered in blood.  A lot of it. 
This wasn't good. 
I wanted to cry and could already feel the tears fighting to well up.  But, I fought them off, pushing them to the back of my mind.  I had to focus.  I had to find a way out of here.
I could feel my veins turning to ice and I briefly wondered if it was the blood loss or the adrenaline.  I could see the door from where I was.  It was just a shabby little thing, and looked ancient.  I crawled towards it, dragging my lame leg behind me.  I could feel myself getting sprinters from the rickety old shack flooring, but I didn't care.  I would worry about that later. 
I didn't get very far though when the door burst open. I briefly hoped it was a rescue party, come to save me, but my hope was quickly crushed when I saw the boy from the forest come sauntering in with another man I had never seen before. 
He was chubby, and dirty.  He had a long, black, beard that looked tangled and matted.  They both looked positively feral.  

"Good work, Ethan.  You brought us a snack." The man purred, leaning down to face me.  He flashed me the same, menacing, teeth I had seen the boy have and I shivered.  I tried to scoot away from the monster, but he was too fast.  He reached out, grabbing me by my hair, and slammed my face down into the floor. 
"Urgh!" I groaned, as I felt my nose and mouth well up with blood.  I could feel my heart beating erratically and wondered if it was going to quit on me. That would be a blessing. 
With us grip still tight on my hair, he raised my head back and smirked at the sight of my blood covered face.  He reached out with his other hand, and ran his finger through the tendrils of blood that danced down from my nose and mouth.  He plopped his bloody finger in his mouth, sucking on it noisily.  I gagged. 

He laughed at my discomfort, and then let my head drop back down to the floor before giving me a little kick in the ribs. 

"Keep watch over her.  We'll eat when Emily gets back." The man ordered the boy before heading back outside. 
The boy nodded and took a seat in an old dining chair.  The thing looked like it would have been new back in the 50s.  It creaked under his weight.  He crossed his arms and leaned back, keeping his eyes trained on me.

"What's your name?" I asked, not even wondering why I bothered.  I already knew but had the strangest urge to make small talk as if that would somehow save me.  What was wrong with me?
"Ethan." He replied curtly. 

"Please, just kill me." I begged, slowly crawling closer towards him.  I couldn't take the pain anymore and I knew I was going to die anyway. I was struggling to breathe as it was. 

"No can do," he spat. "Gotta have fresh blood."

I lowered my head in defeat, hoping they would at least make it quick, when I heard yelling outside.  My head shot up, as did the boys.  I couldn't tell what was happening outside but it didn't sound good.   There was a lot of shouting and it sounded like somebody was fighting.
The door burst open, splintering in the wake of the foot that had kicked it down, and in walked Sam and Dean.  They were covered in blood and didn't look a thing like I had seen them earlier. 
Ethan hissed, crouching like a feral animal prepared to strike.  He flashed his teeth, and looked like he was about to attack, when Dean ran forward.  He swung his machete, and Ethans head went flying. It landed in front of me with a grotesque thud.  I didn't even realize I was screaming bloody murder until the two men were crouched down in front of me, trying to get my attention. 
"Leah? LEAH!"
They were shouting at me.  Dean reached out, gripping my shoulders tightly, as if to comfort me.

"Leah I need you to calm down." He commanded.  His gruff voice finally got through to me, and all was quiet.  I was still struggling to breathe, and I gazed up at the man who was apparently my father with labored breaths. 

"Are you hurt?" Sam asked, as if it wasn't obvious.  I shook my head, which only made the pain worse.

"No, I think I broke my leg and I've lost a lot of blood from this head wound." I pointed out.  I clutched my chest as the pain there got even worse.  I was still going to die.  I knew that.  But at least now I would be in the comfort of somebody who at least somewhat cared for me. 
"What's happening?" Dean asked, taking notice of my labored breathing.  He sounded frantic, yet calm.  That was a stark contrast to how my mother would have handled it.  That was a little bit comforting. 

"I can't breath."

"Did they bite you?!" They both asked, almost furiously. 
"No." I replied, keeping it short.  It hurt to speak.  It hurt to breathe.  My body was going numb. 

"I'm going to die." I said, matter of factly.

"What?" Dean growled. 

"I have a weak heart and asthma.  Those aren't exactly good combinations considering the state I'm in." I pointed out, quieter than before. 
"I need my inhaler and it's still in my bag at home."

My breathing was getting softer and more rapid.  I could feel myself wanting to lose consciousness again, but I was fighting, trying to stay awake as long as I could.  I didn't want to die. 

I reached out, and gripped Deans red flannel, pulling myself closer to him.  I looked up at my father with pleading eyes, hoping he would do me this kindness. 

"Will you hold me while I die? I don't want to go alone."  I sobbed.  The tears were finally flowing full force.  I couldn't hold them back any longer.  He wrapped his strong arms around me, and glanced at his brother. 
"I'm not going to let you die, Leah.  I promise."
It was a comforting thought, but irrelevant.  I was too far gone. 
"Cas!" I heard him call.  I looked up at him, confused as to why he was shouting.  My vision was blurring, though.  He kept shouting that word, or name, or whatever it was.  I didn't understand, but I felt myself slipping away, so I didn't give it much thought.  I could feel my breathing starting to halt, slowly but surely, my vision almost completely gone now. 
If I hadn't known any better, I would have sworn I saw a man in a trench coat appear behind Sam and Dean, before my vision faded out.

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