Chapter 36

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Narrator's Point Of View

The large bedroom, now illuminated by the sunlight, was too quiet that morning. The rooms of the Griffin mansion have always been exaggeratedly big and well-decorated with the most expensive things, in sheer demonstration of power and pride. Without Robert's presence, that place became lighter for Lalisa, even if that whole scenario represented something dark. The Thai walked into her closet duly ready; she was wearing a very sophisticated social red dress that made her look serious and superior, worthy of her made-up personality. It didn't have a flashy neckline, but it still possessed a "v" trim that left the top of the valley between her breasts and her collarbone showing; its sleeves were long, tight, like the rest of the dress that marked the woman's body. She looked beautiful, and perfectly sexy without crossing the line allowed for the occasion. And to complement, on her feet she had black high heels, velvet-lined, giving an extra touch of elegance.

She straightened her back and walked towards the mirror that covered one of the walls of her closet. She checked some details of her light makeup, and her long, wavy hair. Lalisa carried within her an engaging air, elegant and sensual, even when she didn't want to be. It was her Thai essence, it gave her a differential that no other could have.

"Excuse me." Eliza said before entering the closet. "I just wanted to let you know that your driver, Carlos, is ready."

Lalisa finished putting on her diamond earrings, and then looked towards the employee who was looking at her.

"How do I look?"

The woman stared at her boss for a few seconds, and in a restrained, shy way answered:

"You look beautiful, ma'am. As always."

"Thank you, Eliza. I have to look stunning today." The Thai answered confidently and excitedly as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"For Mr. Griffin's return?" The woman asked curiously.

Lalisa remained staring at her reflection in the mirror as a devilish smile was born on her lips. It wasn't exactly for Robert's return that she was getting all dolled up, on the contrary, Lalisa wanted to simply look magnificent to see the king's last sighs of hope.

"Of course, Eliza. For Robert's return." She lied.

"I hope everything goes well, Mr. Griffin doesn't deserve to go through this." Eliza said in a really concerned tone.

Pranpriya stared at the woman with a certain amount of attention, analyzing her employee's concerned stance towards her employer. Did Eliza really believe that Robert had something good in him?

"I see that you're really worried." Lalisa said as she put on her beige overcoat.

"I bet he'll come back." The woman said hopefully.

"You know, Eliza, I wouldn't pin all my hopes on that. Robert is there for a reason, and if it's really proven that he's guilty, you better get used to his absence." The Thai said before grabbing her purse that was on the bed. "You don't have to stay here today, finish whatever you were doing and then go home. You're free for the rest of the day."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

Lalisa smirked and left the room in a hurry. Carlos, her driver, as soon as he saw her leaving the Griffin mansion, hurried to open the door of the silver Rolls-Royce, making room for her to enter the luxurious car. The Thai settled on the leather seat that had a caramel tone, dropping her purse beside her. The drive to the courthouse so far was tranquil, despite the heap of information that crossed her mind. Lalisa constantly forced herself to believe that that would finally be the end of that morbid story, even when her intuition warned that something was yet to come. What could happen that could be so bad? Robert didn't have any chance of being acquitted, did he? She shook her head, trying to push away any possibility of something going wrong. Maybe that was nothing more than nervousness and anxiety due to such an important day.

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