Chapter 35

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Lalisa Manoban's Point Of View

"Are you enjoying your new accommodations, king?"

My voice sounded firm and malicious, echoing through that so small cell. I couldn't help the smile that graced my mouth. It was incredible the effect that that moment had on me. In that instant, I felt refreshed to be able to enjoy such a great achievement like that one. Robert turned his face towards me, with a disbelieving expression at the sight of me there. He was frowning, narrowing that pair of light eyes towards me, showing the dark circles of a bad night's sleep night. He was still wearing his button-down shirt, now completely crumpled and loose. Amazing how the first night in a cell fit him perfectly well, for me, of course.

"How dare you show up here?" He seethed as he approached the bars.

The businessman's hands gripped the iron bars tightly as his face lined up towards mine. I was standing in front of him, staring at every little detail of that scene, in an attempt to store that precious memory in my mind. Robert stared at me with fury, with hatred. I could see it clearly in his dark pupils, enveloped by that intense blue.

"Did you really think that I'd miss this moment?" I asked with a smile. I saw him clench his jaw at the same time as his nostrils inflated. He tightened his grip on the iron bars, to the point of making his knuckles turn whitish. "I waited many years to witness this moment, and I couldn't simply miss the opportunity to delight myself with this victory."

"Bitch!" He slammed his hands against the iron bars with force. "You will pay for this, if you think you're going to get away scot-free from this little game of yours, you're very much mistaken."

I rolled my eyes in a bored way as I played with the tip of my hair, swirling it slowly around my index finger.

"Oh, honey. Don't stress yourself like that, it's not good for you. You shouldn't get so angry with the visit of your beautiful wife, you know? Many here would love to get a visit from me." My voice tone carried an exaggerated sarcasm.

"Only if they want to go straight to hell. You're the devil!"

"I love it when you compliment me, Rob. I feel even more..." I made a thoughtful expression before I turned my eyes to him. "Powerful."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Lalisa. I can turn this game around." He said in an intense way.

I let a laugh escape my mouth as I took a few steps back. Did he really think that he still could do something against me? Griffin really didn't know who he was dealing with, did he?

"Are you threatening me, honey? If I were you, I'd be very careful about what you say." I said as I walked slowly from side to side. "You don't know me, Robert. You have no idea who I am, and what I can be. During all these years, everything you saw was nothing more than an act. Or do you really think I'm so naïve to the point of letting myself be manipulated by a shithead like you?"

He moved one of his arms between the space between the bars, in an attempt to pull me closer. I looked at his arm that was moving from side to side with a snobby and superior look.

"Tsk, tsk. Don't try to assault me, that will increase your criminal record. Which, modesty aside, looks very beautiful as you'll spend the rest of your miserable life in jail."

"You cunt, I'm going to end your life!" He shouted.

"Enough of this shitshow. You can't do anything against me." I smiled mockingly. "You don't know the pleasure I feel at the sight of you in here. I waited eagerly for this moment, and wow! It's more pleasurable than any night of sex I had with you."

Checkmate [Chaelisa]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora