Mating Season Day 1

Start from the beginning

"Mom, you are already making me go to the plaza. This is as festive as I'm getting. Unless you want me to wear my spongebob boxers and my 'I'm with stupid' t-shirt' which I'm sure would be a fabulous conversation starter and make any boy fall head over heels for me. This or spongebob?"

"You get your stubborness from your father. As soon as he comes down we'll leave." With that she turned and left me in the kitchen. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and texted Charlotte.

Me: Found the love of your life yet?

Charlotte: YES!!!

My eyes grew wide. She can't be serious.

Me: Who??

Charlotte: Dippin Dots ;P

Me: Jesus Christ you scared me there for a second!

Charlotte: Lol but my mom is dragging me from one group of guys to the next group of guys. It's like speed dating with the benefit of being given anything I want from my mom:)

Me:Oh lord:) Lucky for you, you only have your mom there. BOTH of my parents are accompanying meXP

Charlotte: Sucks for you! Text me when you get here so we can hang, okay?

Me: Will do:) Have you heard from Lilly yet?

Charlotte: Nope, and I haven't seen her here either but that's not too shocking cuz it's a freakin zoo here!

"Eleanor your father's ready! Let's go!" My mom yelled.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes and started heading for the front door while texting Charlotte back.

Me: Mmm k. See you later!

Charlotte: k.

The car ride was silent with the exception of the radio playing. I was not looking forward to this. Over the past 3 years in high school I have been asked out numerous times because all the guys want a chance of becoming Alpha someday but I have yet to have a boyfriend. Some rumors say it’s because I’m stuck up and others say it’s because I’m a lesbian. Stupid people. I may not be excited about getting a mate but I wasn't about to date and kiss someone who wasn't my mate, is that so hard to understand? I leaned my head against the window of the car and closed my eyes. I wish that I could escape and live like a normal human for a few days or at least go somewhere where no one knew who I was. When we came to a halt I opened my eyes.

“Dad, you really need to fix the brakes on this car. It hurts my ears even inside the car.” The squeaking of the car’s brakes was like nail on a chalkboard to my werewolf sensitive ears.

“I know sweetie, I keep forgetting.” He said as he unfastened his seatbelt. I undid mine as well. I started dialing Charlotte’s number. I slammed the car door shut and put the phone to my ear as it rang. My mom linked our arms together and pulled me along with her.

“Why isn’t she answering?” I mumbled to myself. I redialed her again. It just rang and rang and rang. “I don’t understand. Mom, Charlotte isn’t answering her phone.”  My mom looked over at me and shrugged.

“Maybe she’s busy.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“You know that Charlotte always answers her phone.”

“Even when she uses the restroom?” She used her ‘mom tone’ of voice.

“Actually she does sometimes.” It’s true; one time when I called her she answered while she was peeing. It was weird but not out of the question for Charlotte.

“Honey I didn’t need to know that.” She gave me a grossed out looking face.

“Well you asked.” I pointed out and shrugged.

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