Fifteen - Hearing I Love You

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Cold rain poured over Carden and Zoë as they ran down the street toward her house. The cold liquid slid down their skin, the wonderful scent calming her nerves.

She loved thunderstorms. Everything from the rain hitting her hand when she stuck it out the window to the boom's of thunder and the crackle of lightening, the rare moment when those two elements combined, and of course, the smell of rain.

They stopped in front of Zoë's house. The rain had darkened Carden's hair to a near black and it was plastered against his forehead while his adorably attractive eyes, that made her heart flutter, sparkled. Raindrops dripped from his long eyelashes and onto his tan cheeks.

"Hey Zo?"

"Hmm?" She gently looped her arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around her waist gingerly.

"Have I ever told you that you're absolutely gorgeous in the rain?"

Zoë felt a soft blush erupt on her face. "Nope. Have I ever told you that your hair looks ten times better in the rain?"

Carden faked a look of shock. "How dare you insult my hair! It looks amazing when it's dry! It's terrible when it's wet!"

She ran a hand through his hair, laughing when he scowled. "Let's agree to disagree."

He rolled his eyes with a playful smile and tucked a piece of her soaking wet hair behind her ear. She couldn't even imagine what she looked like right now. Her hair was probably sticking out in every direction and curling like it did when it was wet and her makeup had probably started to run.

He studied her face. "Whatcha thinking about, Zo?"

"Just about how terrible I probably look like right now."

Carden laughed deeply. "Babe, you don't look terrible. Sure, you look like a hobgoblin but a very beautiful hobgoblin. One that I would totally ask out if she wasn't already my very beautiful girlfriend."

And therewas that word that never ceased to make Zoë's heart flutter when it come out of his mouth.


After what seemed like a lifetime of "dating," Carden had finally asked Zoë out on a real date and that was when Cam deemed Zarden officially canon. It was after a month or two that acting didn't feel like acting. It felt real but now that Carden was holding her in the rain, it was real.

He was her's and she was his.

"What?" Zoë asked when Carden didn't say anything and just stared into her eyes. She rubbed her mascara stained face. "Do I have something on my face?"

Carden didn't say anything but did something else. He leaned down and kissed her gently. His hand gently cupped her cheek and she felt the heat rise in her face even more.

He pulled away a moment later, eyes on his feet and his face bright red. "I'm sorry I just-"

She gently raised his head so he would meet her gaze. "Car, it's okay."

He breathed a sigh of relief before kissing her cheek. And that was when he muttered the three words that would change her life. "I love you."

Zoë's breath caught as she looked into Carden's eyes. "What?"

"I love you." He stared into her eyes so intently, she knew the words were true. "You don't have to say it back right now but I want you to know that I do. I love you."

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