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At the house
They all bought this huge house together and there is
Aya,Derek,devenity,Kobe,Kayla,dejuane,Mikey,melakiah,Olivia,abella and Kayden
Everybody in the house accept of devenity and the kids are famous now



Melakiah:were hungry

Devenity:tell your dad I bought y'all so many things this week



Melakiah:I'm hungry

Mikey:k let's go
They went to McDonald's their having a father and son day


Kobe:yes princess


Kobe:shush I'm taking to my daughter

Abella:can you pwease buy me food and clothes




Kayden:I want toy trucks

Kobe:let's buy you something Gucci you have 100 of them

Kayden:I want toy trucks!


Devenity:bruh that's disrespectful

Kobe:shush these my kids worry about your self


Devenity:there go another one that get passed u

Olivia:kobe I want these knee shoes look ou get me and abella matching ones

Kobe:that will be cute mommy and daughter

Olivia:ikr I'll buy the clothes and you and Kayden can match

Kobe:let's go do that right now so we can wear it tommrow to the jumping place

Olivia:yay cmon Babies*she picked up Kayden and abella
They left

Devenity:"mommy and daughter"
"Yay" "cmon babies" she mocked Kobe and Olivia

Aya:somebody jealous

Devenity:bruh y'all barely talk to me not even my kids they only talk to me if they want something

Aya:girl that's why I don't want kids

Derek:better not your only I'm middle school

Aya:shush entiwayssss Derek we gotta go on tour

Derek:true it's tomorrow right

Aya:not in two days

Derek:oh okay

Mike:wasup people



Devenity:hi baby face

Aya:mike and vallyk go back to where y'all came from

Derek:no he's my baby

Mike:oh so your cheating wowwwww

Vallyk:are we still going on tour

Aya:duhhh I cant wait to see my supporters


Mike:all my supporters be talking about me bad


Mikey:wasup y'all

Devenity:mikeyyyyyyy *she ran to him and hugged  him*

Mikey:you acting like you haven't seen me in forever I just left I forgot melakiah hat

Devenity:awl mannnn

Mikey:ok I got byeeee*he left*

Devenity:welp I'm going to sleep

Derek:devenity you've been really quiet lately

Devenity:I'm fine okay goodnight *she went to her room*

Aya:she's sad because abella look at Olivia as her Mom more than devenity and melakiah onl ask her for things he wants

Mike:that's messed up

Aya:oh and we barely talk to her cause of how busy we are

Derek:I feel bad for her

Vallyk:same my baby is sad


Vallyk:a boy can dream

Aya:yeah that's gonna stay a dream


Derek:let's go pack

Everybody:ok they all went to they rooms to pack  devenity came out her room crying grabbed her keys and left

Devenity:why does nobody like me not even my own kids  she didn't move her car she went back in the house and waited for the kids to get back then the door opened she seen abella walk in


Abella:hi mommy

Devenity:oh not a good day

Abella:mom me and mommy Olivia bought shoes

Devenity:that's good moma

Then melakiah walked in

Melakiah:hi mommy!!!!!

Devenity:hi melakiah that made her really happy as she hugged him she cried

Kobe:um devenity you okay?

Devenity:let's go to my room melakiah

Melakiah:okay they got to the room she took melakiah a bath changed him and they got into bed and watched the grinch 1hr later he fell asleep so devenity went down stairs to get water she went to the kitchen and saw dejuane

Dejuane:hey devenity


Dejuane:what's wrong you've been crying,not talking,barely eating

Devenity:*cries*im sorry it's just that my kids don't love me anymore you guys don't talk to me anymore abella call Olivia mommy she's never happy to see me as you can see she sleeps in The room with kobe and Olivia Ima bad mom you have your family everybody is happy accept of me

Aya:devenity it's okay babes

Devenity:oh shit I gotta go she grabbed her keys and left

Dejuane:Well give her some time she will be back later

The next morning

Kobe:have anybody seen devenity she usually wake up before everybody

Dejuane:she left lastNight

Vallyk:and you let her GO!?

Dejuane:she's grown y'all don't need to control her

Kayla:fr tho let me call her she calls her devenity answers


Kayla:why are you crying

Devenity:am I on speaker

Kayla:yeah let me take you off
Ok your ok

Devenity:my kids don't love me abella calls Olivia her mommy she barely likes me nobody talks to me melakiah finally talks to me nobody ask am I okay Kayla I'm depressed I'm very depressed if y'all payed attention y'all can see that I have cuts on my arms but no y'all don't I just hat- hold on somebody is at my door he's yelling at me KAYLA HE- hangs up

Kayla:DEVENITY !!!!!!!! Yo somebody is hurting devenity

Dejuane:did she tell you where she was



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