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~next day she woke up and took a shower and stuff then got dressed~

Devenity:another day alone😕,no no no devenity stay focused he's not important right now

*with that she cleaned the house and made breakfast then edited her getting better videos and cried a little it hurted her to see herself like that*after she edited it she uploaded and applied for a job*

Then went out to the mall

~30 minutes into the mall she was walking around buying things for kyrie and katelynn then someone tapped her she turned around and it was a attractive man

~30 minutes into the mall she was walking around buying things for kyrie and katelynn then someone tapped her she turned around and it was a attractive man

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???:um h-hi


???:I know this is weird but I was wondering if I could get to know you,your really pretty and I just couldn't let you slip out my sight like that

Devenity:I'm devenity


Devenity:okay mr.jay if we ever see eachother again I'll definitely give you an chance

Jay:okay bet me.devenity😁

Devenity:*giggles* okay😁bye jay


*he left and all's devenity could do was blush all day then she got home and cooked and singed her heart out to mr.jay hoping she will see him again and just her luck

*door knocked*

Devenity went to it and it was the kids and Kobe

Devenity:EEEKKKK MY BABIESSSS shahshsbbs

Kyrie:hi mom


*she gave him a hug*

Devenity:hiii laylay


Devenity gave her a hug

Kobe:alright I gotta go I guess

Devenity:hold on

*she gave him a tight hug*

Devenity:thankyou for making me who I am now I'm so much happier and living a better life than I ever will I love you kobe morris

*then she let go*

Kobe:no problem I miss you

Devenity:sorry mr.morris I have my eyes on someone else happily 😁

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