Noah beck with da thick neck😌

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after me and Kobe left and we got into his car and he took me to his house I met his family then we went up to his room I told him about the dream I had he thought it was crazy and funny at times

Kobe:damn soooo you cheated on me?

Devenity:damn so you hurt me mentally and physically

Kobe:okay okay you got that

Devenity:I kno- let's go to McDonald's


They went to McDonald's got food and devenity said she was gonna do a prank on Kobe calling a guy fine she asked Kobe to go get her some napkins he went so she set up the hidden camera

5mins later kibe came back

10 minutes later devenity finally saw a boy around her age walking

Devenity:ou Kobe he fine


Devenity:him right there in that red hoodie

Kobe:gir- alright bet

He raised down the window

Devenity:no Kobe I was plantings stop


The boy looked and Kobe told the boy to come once the boy came

Kobe:see my friend wanna talk to you she right here

Devenity:I'm sorry he play to much

???:it's all good😂 can I get yo snap?

Devenity:yeah sure😂

She gave him her snap and he left

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