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*next morning/day*

*devenity woke up to a lot of noise so she got up and forgot her legs were numb and fell*

Devenity:Mcht aweee man...........KYRIEEE


Devenity:COME HERE


*he finally came in the room*

Devenity:look punch mama legs okay


*he got down and started punching them until she felt the punches*

Devenity:okay okay okay that's it damn


Devenity:no it's fine

Kyrie:k bye mommy


*he left the room and devenity got up to change when she changed into shorts she looked in the mirror and there was pink and purple bruises on her legs*

Devenity:mcht kobe know what he did I'm lightskin

*she went downstairs on her phone not paying attention then she walked in da kitchen to get some fruit then...................*

Kobe:take yo ass back in da room

Devenity:what why

Kobe:do you not see my boys here

Devenity:tbh no

Kobe:devenity look

*she peeped her head around the corner*


Kobe:oh my ass take yo lil ass in da room or put some clothes on

*devenity looked fine at her body*

Devenity:ouuuuuu my bad😬


Devenity:okay okay

*she ran back upstairs into the room*

Angel:that's like the second time she did that

Chunky:and wtf she got bruises

Jaiden:he smashed


Jaiden:😂 my bad but I remember when I smashed I mean like ouuu wee boi

Kobe:nigga I'll kill you rn infront of my kids I don't give a fuck

Jaiden:I'm joking bruh we never fucked

Kobe:then stfu

Jaiden:bro I was joking chill


*devenity finally came downstairs but had clothes on*

Devenity:what tf y'all looking at?


Devenity:don't start with my roach

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