Chapter 4

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At the station, you put up all the evidence on the white and cork boards. Spencer was with you looking at the MO. When you and the team landed, a third couple was shot with the same MO, making the team split up. There was no talking, just thinking and the occasional check up.

    After hours, Hotch came barreling through the door. The rest of the team followed his lead. We had collected enough information by midday to deliver the profile. "We're ready to give the profile." Hotch says, and you nod.

    You went to tell the Head of the precinct to gather their workers. When everyone had arrived  you all delivered the profile." Hotch states.

    " We also believe that something in the last few days has triggered her to think that killing was the only way she was gonna be able to obtain a child." Emily states, as we all have a few words to say in the profile.

    "Consequently, the foster families that did not have a child in their care when she visited became her victims." You say, looking around the room. It was filled with police officers writing notes.

"Because all these families recently had children in their homes, we believe our unsub is motivated by maternal desire." Emily finishes.

"Maternal desire is the profound need to mother a baby. This stems from either the tragic loss of her own child, or the inability to have one at all." JJ says, looking around making sure everyone can hear.

"This unsub may also fantasize that someone else's baby belongs to her, and this emotion feels beyond her control." Spencer states.

"A woman who miscarried sometimes projects onto someone else's baby, and then sets out to take that child." You state, continuing to deliver the profile.

"This may cause our unsub to do some drastic thing, like commit a cesarean abduction/ The speed at which the kills are occuring suggests that our unsub is frustrated and devolving." Derek says. When the team delivers a profile, Derek puts on this "boss" voice. You don't find it intimidating, but the local police do.

"This is causing her to go on a spree, which usually ends in a very high body count and suicide by cop." JJ states again.

"We should look at anyone who was pregnant and suffering from postpartum psychosis." Derek says again, and you see many cops taking notes.

"We also need to check those who worked for or had access to the local foster system." Rossi said.

    After that, the police force asked questions. We answered them to the best of our ability, and separated again. However all you could think about was when you negotiated with Aaron and the contract.


    Aaron Hotchner: Negotiate? I'll meet you at your place in ten minutes.

    Y/n: Okay. I'll be waiting.

    You had contacted Aaron, as you weren't "vanilla" in bed, but some of the contract should change. There are some things that you can't handle, and if this is about sex it should be pleasureable on both ends.

    You wait for Aaron to come, but wait impatiently. You grab the contract so you'd be prepared for when Aaron came. Once you get back out into your living room, you hear a knock at your door.

    You go and grab the door, knowing it's Aaron. "Hey, come in." You say. This was his first time coming to my apartment.

    "Hey. Wow, you have a nice apartment." He says, and you laugh slightly.

    "Thanks. Now, about the contract. There's some things that need to be changed." You say, and Aaron gives you a weird look.

    "Like what little one?" He says. Aaron calling you by that pet name alone, made you wet.

    You flip to the soft and hard limits page of the contract. "If you'd like to look at this with me. We need to adjust this. Do you need a pen and paper to take notes?" You ask, and he shakes his head no.

    "I actually brought my own copy." He says, taking the folded paper out of his suit. Aaron flips to the last page, and looks at you.

    "Soft limits I consent to: Masturbation, Swallowing Semen, vaginal intercourse, vibrators, dildos, degradation, praising, edging, and choking. Bondage is acceptable, just not with tape. With restraining me, I like being able to touch. That's not every time right?" You ask, and Aaron almost laughs.

    "No, it won't be every time. I made this contract, knowing there's things we'd have to work out." He says, and you smile.

    "Alright then. Blindfolded, yes please." You say a little too eagerly.

    "You sound like you've done that before." Aaron smirks, and you smile.

    "Please don't tell me, you thought I was that innocent." You laugh.

    "Now, what about punishments little one?" Aaron asks, getting back on topic.

    "Overstimulation, spanking, whipping, and ice are okay. Those are my limits. I like pain, and I'm open to different ideas, but I just don't know how far I can go." You whisper at the end. You feel like you can't live upto his expectations, or his rules.

    Aaron grabs your chin, pulling it upward to force you to look at him. "That's okay. I'm not here to hurt you. This is for our needs sexually and testing boundaries."  He says, consoling you.

    "Okay. Now, I know in the contract it says I can't enter sexual relations. However, what if I form an emotional relation with someone? Do we end the contract then?" You ask, wanting to know what happens.

    "Well, it'll have to depend how serious it is. I'll leave that up to you. We can end this contract at any point, I won't hold it over your head. When we are at work in the office, we will remain professional. When on cases, along with when we're not on cases, this contract will be in place. Meaning we will have to sneak around, which may get tricky." Aaron says, and you nod.

    "How is it if we're on cases we have to sneak around? Or is that a safety thing in case we become too needy?" You ask, biting your lip.

    You watch Aaron closely, realizing how sexy he looks in his suit. Man, how bad you wanted to rip all his clothes off right then. "Just a safety measure. Is there anything else, Y/n?" Aaron asks, and you shake your head.

    "Yeah, where do I sign? Also, when can we fuck?" You say, getting straight to the point. Aaron laughs, loving how willingly and eager you are to submit to him.

    "Just sign here, and we can soon." Aaron says, showing you where to sign.

    You sign the paper, along with Aaron. Once that was done you got up, and walked Aaron to the door. "Well, see you soon- Sir." You say, already abiding by his rules.

    "Goodbye little one." He replies, and leaves.


    "Y/n ready to go?" You hear Spencer ask, snapping you out of your daydreams.

    "Yeah-yeah. Let me grab my things." You say. Truth is, you don't know what's going on.

    A minute later, you're in the car with Spencer. "Hey, where are we going?" You ask, stupidly.

    Spencer's driving and says, "Where Hotch told us to go. We got an address for the unsub. Is everything alright? You seem very preoccupied." He asks, and you nod your head.

    If only he knew what was really going on in your mind. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just one of those days I guess." You say.

    After that, nothing else was said. This was the first time in the course of the few months the contract's been active, that you were horny. Extremely horny, wanting nothing more but to be on your knees for him. His touch on your body, his breath on your skin, his kiss on your lips. You wanted it bad, and all you could do was wait.

Trial and Error, Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now