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Atlanta, Georgia
Alya POV

      "Ohhhh Alya you look sexy Chris is not going to want you to leave the house" Jas smiled and I let out a laugh only if she knew "forget Chris" I said to myself but she heard it

"Wait..what happened" she asked as I put on mascara. "I'm just not feeling the relationship nomo" I answer plainly walking out my bathroom siting in my chair to put on my shoes.

"Alya don't self sabotage yourself but also if you're not happy drop that relationship like a hot pocket" she said looking at me for a response.
"Heard" I said giving her a thumbs up.

I walk to the mirror to look at my costume. "I hope I don't get cold" I said more to myself

 "We gone be inside and moving you gone be fine" Jas said leaving my room

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"We gone be inside and moving you gone be fine" Jas said leaving my room.

  I turn in the mirror getting a good look at my outfit before grabbing my purse and walking to the kitchen.

   "Jas you ready?" I yelled grabbing a bottle of water. "Yea I'm coming" she said. I look down at my phone to see Chris texted me. I rolled my eyes and shut off my phone I'll deal with him later.

  "Alright I'm ready" Jas said walking into the kitchen. "Leggo" I said grabbing the keys and heading towards the door.

At Trey House

     "Dang we early nobody here but T" I said look at Tyler car and getting out of mine. "I hope he left his annoying ass girlfriend at home" Jas said rolling her eyes as I agree

   "She like saying a lot of slick stuff I would hate for high school Alya to come and walk her" I said as we walk in. I see Trey and noticed that him and Jas were matching as a doctor and nurse.

 I see Trey and noticed that him and Jas were matching as a doctor and nurse

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"Aww y'all cute" I said walking to Trey. " no you and Tyler cute" he said confusing me "Whatchu mean" I said "Aww Alya" Jas said confusing me. I turn around and see Tyler dressed as a prisoner.

  "T you always wanna be like me" I laughed and walked towards him

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  "T you always wanna be like me" I laughed and walked towards him. "Great minds" he added hugging me.

   "Where everybody at" I said looking around "the party don't start until 11pm" Trey said making me stare at Jas. "You said it started at 8" I spoke.

" exactly and we still got here at 9 if I would've told you the time we was supposed to be here we would've been here a whole hour late" she answered with a small smile.

  " I guess" I rolled my eyes going to the kitchen and grab some pineapples and strawberry putting them in a bowl and go to the couch.

  "Damn Lya Yea help yourself" Trey said sarcastically. "Thanks Trey you the best" I smiled and start eating the fruit. "Lemme get one Lee Lee" Tyler said

  I look at him like he has three heads. "You funny T Bear" I lightly smack his cheek and resume to eating my fruits.

  "Baeeee" I voice said from behind me and judging by how high pitch it is it's Alexis annoying self. "Girl can you shut the fuck up" Jas said making me laugh. She was dressed like a bunny.

            (Just the outfit)She look over at me and just stared like dang can I get my face back

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(Just the outfit)
She look over at me and just stared like dang can I get my face back. "Is there a problem with you eyes Miss" I said in a professional voice making Jas laugh.

  "Yea why you so close to my man" she said "girllll I don't want your man" I said putting my legs on Tyler's lap. "You petty bruh" Trey said shaking head laughing "cuz she going to much like girl"


The party been going on for a hour and it's in full swing. I'm chilling in a corner drinking this fruity drink Jas made and I can honestly said I'm feeling it. I don't even know what's in the drink but it's good this like my 4th one.

  "Lee Lee why you in the damn corner" I look up to see Tyler talking to me. I don't know what it is but Tyler is looking extra fine tonight. He always looking fine but tonight wow Chile.

  "Why you looking at me like that" he asked making me snap back until reality "T bear  you soooo fine" I said lowly.

  "What's in your cup because you drunk, matter of fact c'mon it's time for a nap, real talk" he said putting one hand out for me and grabbing my drink with the other.

  "You know Tyler sometime I be thinking like dang I wish I was dating Tyler instead of Chris" I spoke out look at him.

  We finally made it to the room and Tyler sit me on the bed we stared at each other for a while he looked in my eyes then my lips showing me he was thinking the same thing I was so  I grabbed him to meet his lips with mine. Just as they were about to touch someone knocked on the door.

  "Ty Alya good in there I know she looked a Lil drunk if she throwing up I got her" Jas said from the other side of the door

  " I'm fine Jas I'm probably finna go to sleep enjoy the party" I said "ok then if you go in the closet on the right is  your pink sweatsuit I took them but they clean you can change into them to get comfortable" she said making me get up and   grab them

  "Thanks" I said going into the bathroom to change. When I was done I got out the bathroom to see Tyler sleep I laid down on the other side and went to sleep right along with him.

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