Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,
I shouldn't have turned around. Everything in me told me to keep going. I shouldn't have gave him my number

Atlanta, Georgia
Alya POV

"Thank you Chris but no thank you I can pay for my own drink" I know what y'all thinking girl why would you say that. But dude who buy drinks for you only want one of these two things

A quick nut or your number and I'm not willing to give neither.

"I insist it's only $8.24" he stated looking me in my eyes

"And what do you want in return?" I asked with a blank face

"Nothing unless a dance is on the table" he said looking at the floor like he was shy or something

What can go wrong with a dance....right "I can do a dance"

As we walked to the dance floor my song came on


We walk to the middle of the dance floor as I prepare

As soon as the beat drop I went to work his hand automatically wrap around my waist as I dance and inhale his Polo Cologne we danced as I feel something hard pressed against my gut and knew exactly what it was.

Which made me mentally smile at the fact that if he think this leading to anywhere else he is mistaken.

I dropped to the floor to pick back up and continue until the song finished

"Lemme buy you another drink this one watered down and somebody could've put something in it" Chris said as we sat down

"How I know it wasn't you and you not going to do it again" I said laughing "well I won't even touch it..Aye bartender can I get another margarita no salt on the rim" he said well I look at him suspiciously

"Dang how you know I don't like salt on the rim" I asked looking in his eyes for a hint of anything suspicious.

"I heard you say it when I was walking up last time" he said truthfully

"Okkk just making sure I ain't talking to a stalker" I said laughing but serious as a heart attack

"Here you go ma'am enjoy" the bartender said as she walked away I look at the time and it says 12:48am "well Chris it's been real but I gotta go check on my friends see you around" I said getting ready to walk off

"So I can't get your number or name" he said standing in front of me "maybe next time buddy" I said walking around him and back upstairs

" there you go Lya I thought I was gone have to send a search party for your ass" Jasmine said sitting on Trey lap as Malaya twerk on the couch with no ones watching and Tyler in his on zone smoking his blunt looking fine

"Sorry got caught up" I said siting down Jasmine looked at me for a minute then start back talking to Trey


"Damn I'm ready to go J you coming with me?" Asked Trey
"Nah I don't wanna left Alya here when I basically dragged her here" Jasmine said laughing but serious

"No no no you go with Trey if you want imma big girl plus imma head out too my bed calling my name loud" I said laughing Jasmine have always been like this trying to give up on her happiness for me but I don't let her.

"You sure I know it get lonely there at night" Jasmine said with all seriousness "I'm fine girl you have fun but imma head out these heels killing me" I said

"Ok bye I love you bestie" Jasmine said making kissing faces "girl bye I love you too bye y'all " I said laughing going down the stairs

"Aye Aye Aye" I heard a familiar voice say as I head to my car but I kept walking " it's me Chris", "Don't stop keep walking ignore him don't turn around" that's what the little voice my head was saying but I did I turn around

"Wassup Chris" I asked facing him "I know you don't know me but I was wondering if I could get a ride" he said I looked at him like he was out of his mind.

"Where's your car sir" I ask curiously "I rode with my homeboy and he left me and I don't do Uber's I'll pay you gas money" He said basically begging

"Come on bruh no funny business" I said something told me I was gonna regret this

"How about that name and number now" he said with a smile as we got in the car

"Alya and 404-***-****" what's that worst that can happen

Maybe My Dawn Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora