Game night (music for you to enjoy cause you deserve it)

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I finished getting ready  for the show today and started heading to the back rooms to get Lolbit remembering the promise I made to her. " Is Lolbit here I promised that she could perform with me." I asked yenndo who was fixing a lightbulb. "She is helping C.B. getting Ennard unstuck from the vents." he responded. "Thanks Yenndo" I said as I was walking out of the room. I looked for lolbit and I finally found her. She was wearing a orange and white beanie, purple overalls, a orange hoodie around her waist, and a white and black checkered pattern long sleeve shirt. "Yo lolbit! We need to get on stage we have the first show!" I yelled out and before i know it i got teleported to the stage with lolbit. "Your welcome!" she said floating. "Lolbit please stop floating the kids well get creeped out." I said as lolbit stopped floating. "Oh ok" she responded and not even 5 minutes later a bunch of kids came running in and there was a few teens there to. I heard one of the teens shout out "OMG THAT'S LOLBIT THEY BROUGHT LOLBIT BACK!". I could see Lolbit smile then she said "I bet you weren't expecting me! hahahahahahahahahaha!" while the same teen was just staring in awe.


"I feel like I've seen this kid before." I thought as that kid was staring at me when Foxy and me were performing. After the show Foxy and me walked to the backstage to see Puppet doing the chicken dance with macarena playing instead for the chicken dance song. Foxy and me just stood there then looked at each other and slowly walked backwards to the funtime auditorium.  Once we got the the funtime auditorium Circus baby walked up to us and said "Go change into your PJ's were gonna play some truth or dare!" she said with creepy tone in her voice. She gave a big really creepy grin so I decided to freak her out except to go change unlike Foxy, who instantly ran cause of CB. 

Circus Baby's POV:

Funtime foxy dashed out of the room cause I scared him.Soon as that happened lolbit eyes turned a purple that's more on the red side and the next thing I knew I was in a room but the walls were just ones and zeros.

Puppets POV:

So I just walked in the funtime auditorium for the game night and I saw lolbit eyes grow a reddish purple and then she and CB disappeared into thin air. BonBon looked at Funtime Freddy and me and she said "The fox behind the slaughter.". Freddy and me just looked at each other then at BonBon and she took out her phone and played Its Been So Long. We all just started to dance to it while ballora was just yelling at us for not doing what it is it called again? oh yeah "Ballet". After I wanna say about 30 minutes C.B. came back looking traumatise she was stumbling what sounded like "Room made out of one and zeros green and black.". Based off what i know about computers witch in close to none it sounds like she got sent into a computer where like there is a Binary Code room. 

My POV aka da narrator of DOOM!:

So you were probably thinking "What are do there PJ look like?" well i'll tell you cause i'm too lazy to draw them!

Puppet: Black hoodie and purple adidas pants.

BonBon: A White and light blue striped crop top hoodie with black leggings

Circus Baby: A red tee shirt and black leggings

Funtime Fredboi: Purple and white striped Long sleeve shirt with black adidas pants

Lolbit: Orange crop top hoodie with black shorts

Funtime Foxy: A white tee shirt with black Adidas plants

Yenndo: Grey Hoodie and and Grey PJ pants

Ennard: His normal clothes he refused to wear PJ's

Bonnet: Everything BonBon is wearing but pink and purple

yes a lot of AdIdAs clothes.

i forgot to tell you but bonbon and bonnet have legs in this AU and they can switch to having them or not.

Can someone explain that in the music video i posted why the heck Bonnie is playing the drums while Chica is playing the guitar i am severely confused about that.

Lolbit POV:

After everyone was ready we started to play truth or dare and they let me start off so of course I decided to be a jerk. "BonBon T or D?" I asked her and she responded  "dare!" witch i don't know if it was a mistake for her or not. "I dare you to kiss funtime freddy on the lips!" I said. Then something unexpected happened that we all will remember. "OH. HELL. NAW!" BonBon said but Funtime Freddy said " Come give your future boyfriend a kiss!" now chasing BonBon all around the room. We all just stared at each other in shock but finally after 10 minutes of watching Fredboi chasing BonBon around he finally caught her and kissed her. BonBon looked at me like I was about to kidnap her child. "Ok Lolbit, T or D" BonBon said with a bit of sas in her voice "DARE!" I shouted out ready for it. "I dare you to braid Funtime foxy's hair!" she said. Funtime Foxy looked at me with a look of "Bish if you touch my hair I will end you without hesitation!" but I tackled him down and braided his long pink and white hair that he refuses to cut and added hair clips of Rockets and stars in his hair. "Done!" I said un-tying him from the chair I had to tackle him into to. "look! now you look bootiful!" I said holding up a mirror to let Foxy look at his hair. "I look Hawt!" he said I giggled and started to have a weird tingly feeling I never had felt before.

Funtime Foxy POV:

At first I thought Lolbit would destroy my bootiful hair but I was wrong she did a good job. She untied me from the chair and undo my hair after she showed me it. Her little giggle was so freaking cute like she is and her eyes are like black seas with little white pearls that allowed them to see the light of day. Of Jeez why am i thinking this!? 

Ballora POV:

We have been calling Funtime Foxy for about 2 hours now so we decided to end that game and let him be but Lolbit is staying behind to try to get him back to reality. 

(time skip mwahahahahahaha)

"An alien has taken over his mind!" Lolbit repeated shaking Foxy so he can come back to reality. "I don't think an alien took over him Lolbit." Said Yenndo who was playing UNO with Bonnet and BonBon. "If you don't come back down to earth foxy i will personally put a computer virus in you, i'll hack you, and i'll show your parents your internet search history." Lolbit said but that didn't work. "You know what fine if wont come back to earth ill forcefully do it!"said lolbit as she grabbed her chancletas. "I wanna see this." said Ennard and Freddy while they both had a smirk on there face. After about 5 minutes Foxy is getting chased by Lolbit and El Chip who are both throwing chancletas at him. "I'M BACK OK IM SORRY!" Foxy yelled as he was still getting chased.

(another time skip, yes i know im evil)

After everyone had finally calm down it was peaceful. Funtime Freddy was cuddling with BonBon while BonBon tried to escape. Baby and Ennard was doing a staring contest wich has been going on for like 30 minutes now. Yenndo and Bonnet are still playing UNO I honestly don't know how they have been playing that for an hour now. Lolbit and funtime Foxy are arguing over who is the best performer, I can definitely tell how Lolbit is a recolor of him. I'm just checking in on everyone cause i'm like a mother to them. 

Funtime Foxy Boi POV:

Lolbit and me are arguing who is the best performer, let's just say Lolbit does have some really good roasts up her sleeve. "Are you guys still fighting?" asked Ballora with Baby following her. "Yeah..." Lolbit said holding her arm and looking down. "Well you both are very good performers!" Ballora said try to cheer us up. "Well Lolbit is just a cheap plastic knock off who all she does is just annoy everyone, so if you ask me Funtime Foxy is the better performer and Lolbit belongs in the dumpster." said C.B.. Me and Ballora was just staring at her with our jaws open. I knew C.B. and Lolbit never got along but this was a whole new level. I could see Lolbit breathing heavily and tearing up.

Im sorry i haven't posted in 5 days this is a long chapter, again im sorry. Like my cliffhanger?  

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