Is BonBon ok?(I finally remembered a name of a chapter!)

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It's been about 5 days since the incident and Lolbit has made great process fixing BonBon, even with her ear missing. Circus Baby got locked in the back rooms so they can find out why she was attacking BonBon. Fred on the other hand had lost it he always hid himself in the breaker room and would only come out to check on BonBon. The minireenas and bidybabs where trying to cheer everyone up. Funtime chica and electrobab were helping Lolbit fix BonBon.

Funtime chica's POV:    

Now i'm not usually the first one to volunteer to do something, unless it was giving someone a makeover of course, but I felt like this is waaaaaaaaaay more important than taking selfies,which it is of course! Lolbit my BFF knew I didn't really like to fix stuff so she put me in the "Make sure none of the coding was messed up" position and i'm fine with that as long it helps that sweet little blueberry. I also have been checking in with Funtime Freddy to see if he is ok I would normally tell him that the process is going great. "Yo Chica, Lolbit wants me to tell you to finish checking the coding cause BonBon is fixed!" Electrobab said peeping her (Yes in my AU electrobab is a girl) head out of the doorway. After I wanna say 2 hours of checking the coding it looked fine to me so I asked Lolbit if it was all good and she checked,it only took her 5 minutes to do so, and it was all clear. Lolbit let me and Electrobab do the honors of putting her back online. After I did I went straight to the breaker room to tell Funtime Freddy "Hey Fred, I have good news! BonBon is back online so i thought i would tell you first!" I said while Fred was looking at me in disbelief. "Really!?" he asked and i responded with "Yes really" as soon as I said that he dashed out of the room to go see BonBon. "I just want to see Fred's and BonBon's wedding now..." I thought to myself as I went to tell the others. 

BonBon POV:

I woke up to see Lolbit leaning over me smiling. "Hey there BonBon! Funtime chica, Electrobab, and me fixed you up but you will need some rest tho..." She said. "Thanks Lolbit." I said as I sat up in the bed. "By the way you have a visitor!" Lolbit said as she let Fred in.

Lolbit POV:

I walked out of the room shutting the door while I heard BonBon and Fred chat like nothing happened. "Whats up meh peeps?" I asked as I walked into the funtime auditorium. "You actually fixed BonBon in just 5 days!?" Asked Funtime foxy with both a surprised and impressed expression on his face. "Yep that's what happens when you live in a computer, you become a computer master." I said joking. "Yo, what about your ear? It at least has to hurt right?" asked Ennard. "To be honest it...........hurts like someone is keep smashing a rock against your finger type of pain." I responded with a straight look on my face. "Ouch! Now i'm more impressed that you fixed BonBon in 5 days." Replied Funtime Foxy. "Thanks, but electrobab and funtime chica helped me." I replied.

Ok this is a great place to end this chapter! Oh um hello didn't realise you were her but anyway i know some of you might be wondering about my AU and why it took so long for this chapter. I'll tell you about why this chapter took so long first, It took so long cause i got cyberbullied about me being non- binary so as you could tell based off of my activities lately i haven't been that what's the word again? Oh yeah active.

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