little! katsuki cg!deku cg!Todo

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Hey guys this chapter is gonna be very sad.
Tw: cutting/self harm, emotional abuse(from katsuki mom)
Please know that I normally don't write about this kinda stuff so.

Katsukis P. O.V

I'm sitting in me,izukus, and sho's apartment just scrolling through netflix. Izuku and sho had some hero work to do so they won't be home for like 3-4hours. I decide on watching queer eye. What can i say, I likes home design¯\_(ツ)_/¯. An hour pasts before I'm interrupted by my phone going off. I look at the number...'oh God' I start shaking but still press the answer. 'h-hey mom' I say this as clear as I can into the phone. She starts screaming about how imma mistake, degrading me, and calling me slurs. After it's all done I am a sobbing mess. 'oh shut it, you know what I say is fucking true' she hangs up. I'm starting to have a panic attack and can't control my thoughts. Then an idea that I haven't had in a while pops into my head. I push it away but then it comes back. 'mabye just a few can't be bad' I stand up with wobbly legs and go over to the kitchen. I pull out a knife and hold it to my skin.

After that:(

I got up to at least 20 cuts. I drop the knife. 'DAMN IT' I scream. I sink to the floor looking at what I've done. I promised izuku and sho I would stop. I broke my promise. I get up going to the bathroom to clean the wounds. I finish cleaning them and bandage them up. My sobs have turned into sniffles at this point. I go out and grab my phone. The guilt of braking my promise is pushing down on me. I don't have the guts to text or call either of my boyfriends. So instead I go to my self harm app, changing the progress meter from 5 months, to 5 minutes. I know that sho and izuku can see my progress on their phones but I didn't know they get notifications when I change it.

Izukus P.OV

I'm training with all might when I hear my phone ding. I stop what I'm doing looking over at all might, 'break?' I say with a smile. 'sure, you've been working very hard keep it up!' I jog over to where my phone is. When I see the notification I got my heart drops. Katsuki just changed his self harm meter to 5 minutes ago. 'shit, all might I have to go. It's really important. I'll see you later' before all might has the time to respond I'm already running away. I call sho and I'm panicking.'sho did you get the notification too?' I scream into the phone. He can tell that I'm panicking. 'yeah I did, I'm already on my way back' I hang up.I see our apartment building in the distinct. I fire up my quirk to go faster. Once I get there I see sho get out of his car, running towards the building. We both bolt up the stairs and towards our apartment. I burst into the room with sho. We see katsuki sitting on the couch looking at us with a shocked expression. I run up to him crying. 'i-i thought you guys wouldn't be back for another 1 hour' he says probably not knowing how to respond. I take a deep breath saying 'baby, what happened? Your self harm app says you did something earlier' he freezes. He just looks down.

Shoto's p.o.v

Katsuki fidgets with his hands and says 'um...she called again'. I feel the blood rush to my face in frustration. God I will burn that women alive. But I have to focus on katsuki right now. I see katsuki space out for a second . Shit he's regressing. 'hey baby boy, can you show me your owies?' I say in a gentle voice. 'hey izuku can you go grab his paci, it should be on the bed side table', izuku nods getting up. I pick up katsuki and he points to his arms 'owie' he says quietly starting to cry. I pull back his sleeves.💭god katsuki, at least he bandaged them💭 'daddy kiss t'm better' he says as izuku comes back. I start kissing katsukis arms being very very gentle as to not hurt him. 'hey bunny look what I have?' katsuki turns to izuku. He's holding out a stuffed animal lion and a red paci. Katsuki makes grabby hands for the ideas. He puts his paci in his mouth and cuddles his stuffie. I kiss his forehead. 'hey uh can I hold him?' izuku says. 'of course babe' I hand him katsuki. He bounces katsuki on his hip while I go grab katsukis phone. I call katsukis mistake of a mother. 'god mistake what do you want' she says harshly.'For your information your son is not a mistake. NEVER call this number again or I swear to God I will burn you alive.'
'ugh it's one of the *f slur*, he's my son I get to call him if I want'. 'you are no mother, you are a mistake of a creature' I hang up and block the number. I go over to izuku and katsuki. I pepper kiss katsukis face. He giggles,'i just took care of the... problem' I say to izuku. 'thanks babe, why don't you and katsuki go cuddle in the living room and I'll make us something to eat.'
'sounds great babe thanks' he hands my katsuki. We walk over to the couch, I sit katsuki down then sit down my self. I may still be in my hero outfit but I don't want to leave katsuki so it's fine. Katsuki cuddles up to me. 'hey baby boy, can you tell Daddy how old you are' he holds up 2 fingers. Ok damn he is really small. 'awe such a small baby'I say kissing his cheek. He giggles and starts playing with his stuffie on my chest.

Hey guys, sorry this was so sad. Sorry I haven't been writing schools been a bitch and I haven't really had motivation to write. But hey I had motivation to write this so. P.s here's a free hug ⊂(*'︶'*⊂)

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