caregiver! Kiri little!izuku

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(P.s the stuffie above is izukus favorite one)

No body's POV

The night before had be hectic. Izuku kept waking up from nightmares. Yes, Izuku the big strong hero in training had nightmares. I mean could you blame him, his dad was an abusive asshole growing up and he only recently got out of that situation. He was a little. It helped him with all the negative emotions. Kiri had become his daddy when one day he walked in on Izuku regressed. He had sworn to keep him safe no matter what.

Kiri's POV

'ugh' I say as I slowly get up. I pick up my phone and look at the time. It was 10:06am, this will probably  mess up our sleeping schedule just a bit. It was Saturday so we don't have to worry about school. I look over to Izuku. 💭 He's so frickin cute, how did I get this lucky💭 He had a red paci bobbing in his mouth. He was hugging his favorite stuffed animal. I quietly and slowly get up, being careful not to wake him. I stretch as I walk to the bathroom/closet. Me and Izuku had decided to rent our own apartment instead of dorms so Izuku didn't have to worry about someone finding out his "little" secret. I mean being 3rd years the teachers didn't really care. I walk into the closet and grab a red tank top along with gray sweat pants. I walked into the bathroom and started the shower. I hop in the shower trying to be as quiet as possible. Izuku needs more sleep. I might even put him down for a nap later. I get out of the shower and change and brush my teeth. I tip toed into our bedroom then out to our kitchen. I decided to make izukus favorite, pancakes with strawberry's and whipped cream. 💭Eh he had a rough night I can spoil him with breakfast💭 I get out all the ingredients and start mixing. I then here a yawn and a quiet 'daddy...'
I turn around and see Izuku standing there. Omg he is so cute, he has his soft tortilla blanket wrapped around him and he is hugging his blue bunny.
'hey baby' I say in a gentle voice. He comes up to me and says 'yucky...'
'oh ok, let's go get you changed bud'
I picked him up and start heading to our room. He snuggles into my neck and kissed his forehead. Once we get into the closet i ask. 'baby, can you tell me how old you are' he then holds up 3 fingers but quickly puts down one. 'wow he is really small today' I thought to myself. I hold up a diaper and a pull up. 'which one bunny' he points to the diaper. I then pull out a clean mint green onesie. I quickly change him. 'tanks dada' he says.
'no problem baby'. I pick him up and bring us back to the kitchen. 'you wanna help me or go play' he weighs his options before just snuggles into my neck. I know that means he wants to stay, but one of our rules is to try and use our words. 'baby, can you use your words' all he dose is says 'stwy...'
'thank you bud' I try and put him on the counter but he just holds on. I sigh but decide to just let him stay on me.
I just start mixing again. It's kinda hard considering I only have use of one hand. I realized I don't wanna burn me or my baby. 'baby, I know you wanna stay on me but I don't wanna burn you' I go to put him down but he just whines and refuses to let go. 'baby I got to put you down, what's rule 3' I say still trying to put him down. '...listen to daddy' he says in a sad tone of voice and relentlessly let go.'thank you' I say putting him down on the counter kissing his forehead. I take out a pan and turn on the stove. As that heats up I go grab his bottle. I know he's really regressed so I grabbed his baby bottle and filled it with chocolate milk. I hand it to him. He has a big smile on his face as I hand it to him. 'tank o daddy'. I smile and turn around to make pancakes. I make a few then turn off the stove. I look over to izuku, he's done with his bottle and is now swing his feet babbling to his stuffie. I pull out the strawberrys and cut them up. I put 3 pancakes on a a plate with strawberry's, syrup, and whipcream. I know I'ma regret giving him sugar but I feel like spoiling him. I make the same plate and grab 2 forks. I put the stuff down and pick up my baby.

Izukus POV

Dada picks me up and we head to the table. He straps me in my high chair and goes and grabs my pancakes. I excitingly bounce up and down in my high chair. 'daddy hurry..' I say getting whiney. 'i know baby but I've gotta cut them up'. He finish cutting them up and puts them in front of me. I grab my fork and start messily eating. Dada giggles and all I do is look up with an innocent look.

Kiri's POV

Omg that was so cute. I just laugh and dig into my pancakes. I must say I make mighty fine pancakes. I look over to my bunny. He is covered in syrup and whip cream. 💭Welp guess we're taking a bath after this💭 I finish my pancakes and see Izuku has too. I take both of our plates. I walk over to the sink and place the dirty dishes in. I go to Izuku 'bud you've gotta have a bath' I say. 'mmm ok dada' says izuku. I pick him up knowing I'ma get sticky. 💭This is gonna be "fun"💭

Yo so I'ma make more parts to this. I know this was mostly Kiri pov but it was easier to write. Btw my stories Aren't normally gonna be this long. Welp have a good night/day/morningฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
1058 words

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