Ballerina (1\2)

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Season: 03 - Episode: 05

→Season: 03 - Episode: 05 ←

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third pov

For the first time in quite a while, Julie used the garage aux on her phone, Cristal had asked her to play a song she like so she could choreography, that was n the morning, now was almost four pm, Jule liked spending time with her blonde friend -"Can I ask you a question?"- Julie asks, while she was taking a break -"You just did, but yeah"- Cristal answers -"Why did you decide to go back to dancing?"- Julie asks -" Well, I always loved dancing but I was scared I would suck after the accident"- She was looking at the girl -"but, last night Reggie told me that he likes when I dance and talking about with him, made lose my fears"- She says, Julie lifts her eyebrows -"So this dance is for Reggie to see then?"- she says teasingly -"Nop, this one is for everyone to see, Reggie will get a private show later"- She says teasingly, the two girls burst out laughing. 

That's when the boys show up, they were at the beach doing God knows what -"What's the reason for all these laughter?"- Luke asks smiling -"You don't to know, trust me"- Julie answers winking at Cristal -"Luke, If Julie liked girls you woulnd't stand a chance against me"- Cristal says teasingly, Luke gives her a confused look -"What that suposed to mean?"- Luke asks, causing Julie to laugh -"Nothing"- Cristal says winking at Julie, before heading to reggie hugging him, he looks down at her kinda confused -"I was just teasing him"- she whispers in his ear -"So what were you girl doing?"- Alex says changing the subject -"Cristal here was working a killer routine"- Julie says, Reggie looks down at his girl friend -"Do you guys wanna see it?"- She asks, all the boys nod, so Cristal places herself on top of the piano as Julie hits play on the song.

Once the routine ends Cristal seating by the piano breathing deeply, and smiling as everyone starts clapping -"I missed seeing you dance"- Alex states as he helps his sister getting out of the piano -"My green-eyed ballerina"- Reggie says peeking her lips, Cristal blushes a little bit -"I liked the song"- Luke states, Cristal, lists an eyebrow to him -"A-And the dancing"- He adds quickly making Cristal chuckle -"Thanks boys"- Cristal says smiling at them, Luke whispered something on Julie's ear causing the girl to chuckle, she grabbed his hand and walking out, she stops at the doors turning to Cristal -"Are you going to that secret place of yours tonight? or are you staying here?"- She asks blushing a little -"I was planning on going to the secret place"- She says winking a Reggie, causing Alex to pretend to puke -"Good"- She says blushing moe, before disappearing with Luke, and that's when it hits Cristal making her eyes go wide -"Oh, My God"- Cristal says, Alex and Reggie looks at her confused -"She's gonna do the dirty with Luke tonight"- Cristal says, -"Nice"- Reggie mutters, Alex's eyes go wide too -"Oh God, I can't stay here anymore"- He says puffing out, Reggie grab a guitar seating on the couch, looking at Cristal, who seats in front of him -"I- huh I got inspired last night, and I wrote you a song"- He says, Cristal smiles -"Can I hear it?"- She asks slowly, Reggie nods and starts playing his guitar -"Green-eyed ballerina God only knows how much I need ya From day one I knew you were the one Give me your hand and I'll give you mine You're the reason I look forward to coming home at night"- He sings blushing, Cristal almost melted and the song was only on the biggining yet -"What's the point of sleep if it's not with you Your lipstick on my cheek looking like a tattoo My ballerina swinging side to side All I need is a little love and care tonight"- Reggie sings, Sundennly the memories they share togther starts playing on both of their heads -" God is an artist, he put you on display A masterpiece of motion, more beautiful everyday Give me your love and I'll give you mine You're the reason I tell my friends I'm busy tonight"- Cristal chuckles at the last part -" What's the point of sleep if it's not with you Your lipstick on my cheek looking like a tattoo My ballerina swinging side to side All I need is a little love and care tonight"- The smile on the girls face was giant -" The world is your stage wherever you go You know I'll always be right in the front roll Your love is a movie, my favorite show You're my silver screen queen My Marilyn Monroe"- He says reffering to their first halloween together, Cristal had tears in her eyes, she never tought it was possible to be loved the way Reggie loves her, it was overwhelming -" What's the point of sleep if it's not with you Your lipstick on my cheek looking like a tattoo My ballerina swinging side to side All I need is a little love and care tonight"- Reggie sang, with a little smile seeing the tears streaming down hsi girlfriend face -"Green eyed ballerina God only knows how much I need ya From day one I knew you were the one"- He finishes they song, putting the guitar a side. 

Cristal jumps on him, kissing him everything she has -"I"- she starts and kisses him -"Love"- another kiss -"You"- another kiss -"dummies"- another kiss, he smiles -"I"- he starts and kiss her -"Love"- kiss -"You"- kiss -"Shorty"- kiss, they smile with their foreheads touching -"So we're going to or secret spot tonight?"- he asks teasingly, Cristal nods biting her lip, she knew what it did to him, -"And can I know why?"- he asks, Cristal smirks -"Well, I believe I owe you a private show"- she says winking at him, God he was so whipped for her.

Cristal jumps on him, kissing him everything she has -"I"- she starts and kisses him -"Love"- another kiss -"You"- another kiss -"dummies"- another kiss, he smiles -"I"- he starts and kiss her -"Love"- kiss -"You"- kiss -"Shorty"- kiss, they smile...

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word Count: 1.000

-please vote

- Okay, now it's for real next chapter is gonna hot

-Also do you guys want me to write Luke and Julie's scene too? (please answer)

-feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section

- Guys! I'm officially done with high school (All I need to do now it's pass on the college I want) I'm so happy and sad at the same time

-see you soon


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