Bright (2\2)

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Season: 01 - Episode: 02

→ Season: 01 - Episode: 02 ←

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Third pov

-"Guys, Julie is gonna get mad at us for being here-" Cristal points seating in the top of Julie's bed, Reggie throws himself on the bed laying his head on the girl's legs, and doing angels on the sheets, Alex was trying to pick a picture up but was failing miserably, Luke was on to of a puff trying to grab a box, that's exactly when Julie enters her room seeing the four ghosts in there -"What are you guys doing in my room?"- Julie asks clearly annoyed -"we were looking for the kitchen?"- Luke says but it sounded more like a question -"This... This can't happen. It's creepy, get off my bed please"- Julie says, Reggie jumps out of the bed, Cristal motions to leaves when Julie speaks again -"You can stay"- She says Cristal winks at her as Reggie feel attacked -"Hey Julie, What's in the box?"- Luke asks he always been curious -"That's off-limits"- Julie answers -"Okay, girl stuff"- Luke says on a high pitched voice -"oh, like butterflies and glitters?"- Reggie asks, Cristal roll her eyes -"Oh, come on"- Alex starts -"I'm sorry about them"- Cristal says -"It's none of your business. And yes there might be some glitter"- Julie answers, Luke comes down of them puff, as Alex grabs the picture -"Hey I actually picked something up"- Alex says stopping beside Luke, as he finishes his sentences the picture falls on the bed -" I dropped it"- Alex says disappointed -"Is that your mom?"- Luke asks -"Yes, and it's my favorite picture of us so if you break it I'll break you"- Julie says putting the picture away -"Ok, Well, sorry because we're kind of unbreakable at this point"- Alex says -"I don't get it! you guys can mess up my bed pick up your instruments, but you can't pick other stuff?"- Julie says confuse -"I know right it's hard, but for some reason our instruments easy"- Luke says -"Yeah, super easy. And check what've learned today"- Reggie says, his bass shows up on top of him and as he grabs he falls down on the puff making Cristal chuckle -"Yeah, that looked super easy"- Julie says -"It's like I always tough our instruments are attached to our souls"- Luke says, Julie's dad walks into the room, Cristal jumps out of the bed standing beside Luke, Luke grabs Alex hand and Reggie goes from the puff to Alex side, as Julie turns to face her dad -"Everything okay?"- Julie's dad asks, Luke realize he's holding Alex hand and drops the same -"Yeah. I'm fine"- Julie says -"Ok. I thought I heard you talking to someone"- Her dad says -"Nope, Must've been my laptop that I just closed"- Julie says -"Ok. Let me know if you need anything"- her dad says, he then proceeds to close the door -"Your dad seems like the kind of guy who like to barbecue. I bet he has a great ribs recipe"- Reggie says, -" I don't know but if you guys wanna talk to me, we have to do it in the studio. he's worried about me as it is"- Julie points -"He seems chill you should just tell him about us"- Luke says -" you're kidding right? this past year, everyone's been watching over me, being super nice, as if they're waiting for me to snap, If I tell my dad I met ghost band, I'll be back to talking to Dr.Turner three days a week"- Julie says, -"You probably shouldn't tell him"- Luke says, he then gets on top off the puff again looking at the box -"Julie"- He begins -"Oh my gosh, I told you to leave that alone"- Julie says -" I know you just should've said nothing 'cause now I can't stop thinking about it, So...What's in the box Julie?"- Luke asks -"It's just my dream box, ok? whenever I get a thought or something I write it down and get it out of my mind"- Julie says -"Like lyrics?"- Cristal asks -"They would be if I still wrote music like I used to with my mom. Now it's just full of stuff that doesn't make me sad"- Julie says -" But I mean you do play. We heard you this morning"- Alex says, Cristal eyes widen -"Here we go"- The girl whispers to Reggie who smiles at her, -"In the garage? So you were there too?"- Julie asks, Reggie, Alex, and Cristal start to rumble trying to find an excuse, as Luke lays on the bed resting his chin on his head -"So where is the kitchen by the way?"- He asks Julie, the girl rests her hands on her knees getting at the same level as him giving a fake smile -"Okay, we need to set some boundaries. For starters stay out of my room"- Julie says pointing at the door, the four ghosts leave the room immediately.

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