Chapter 26 : Something

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Hiccup's POV

Acting like you don't know a thing about the island you crash in was quite tough. For five years we left with no intention of coming back, now we're here with our two kids stranded till dawn because of some dragon hunters putting us off course.

Now we now face some old friends who question us on who we really are. To be frank no one knows who we are, to them we're friends with their ancient enemies they just let live till the sun rises.

As I remember from my chiefly training that we must accompany the unknown visitors with at-least two vikings till they leave, but up until they showed up we were alone.

"hey! who are you?!" Snoutlout's temper never changed, yelling at us to reveal who we are as their guilt cannot handle children who look almost like the dead us.

"As I am tired and we still have to fly later on tonight, I don't want to deal with our whining ''friends''. So let's just get this over with so I can sleep."

we removed our helmets, revealing ourselves to the group. Astrid looked dead tired, I mean I don't blame her, she's a mother of two, the fact that our kids have both our stubbornness, spirit, and sarcasm isn't such an easy thing to deal with.

The group backed away. I know we don't look the same, and we don't really, you wouldn't know who we are till we say such. "Astrid Hofferson-Haddock at your service" "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III, hello."

Astrid brought up her axe to her back, securing it before grabbing the dagger I gave her three years ago. She proceeded to throw it at the tree up the cliff, making it fall along with half of the berkian population coming down.

"you know you can't actually sneak up on us right?" Astrid said bored out of her mind from the predictable people.

"ha-how?! Your dragons aren't even alerted how are you?" Fishlegs ah my smart friend,

"oh them they know, but they don't care. They could puncture or shoot you anytime, they just wish to sleep more than to deal with all of you." Actually I'm starting to loose interest in even trying to deal with them.

"and the rest of you can come down We know your there. Don't make me bring you all down." jumping down as quickly as possible, the other half of berk came. The Chief and Gobber were in this batch.

"okay now that everyone's here, can we just have the question out? We have about four hours before we go. We missed a day and half having to wait till you all leave so please speak!" Not one spoke, strangely they seem to avoid all eye contact with us.

"hey dad! terror mail!" my son Nuffink pointed out, as little sneaky dropped on his head, nesting happily on his hair.

Astrid took of the mail as Zepher took the terror of her brother. "You know Hiccup, if the terror's won't land on you they'd land on Nuffink." she mused opening the letter.

We had no more care if the population of Berk is here at the cove watching us, without a word said. "y-you're a-alive... You're both alive!" The flabbergasted Fishlegs said.

"why fish that is obvious! but why can't you see that they have kids! Not one but two!" Ruffnut told him, we may have been gone for a long while but I was sure Ruffnut didn't have a longing romantic look on anyone like she does now on him.

"It's a letter from our mother's. they're worried we lost our way, wait... HOW CAN THEY THINK OF THAT?! we gave them that location!" Astrid growled, it was true we did give the alpha king their remote location to be hidden like us, so Mom worried about going lost is hilarious.

"we should get on moving then! The trip would take longer with the backup tail but we should get there.-" I ushered my wife to Stormfly's back, and grabbed Nuffink and sat him too.

"-thank you for your hospitality and a technical invasion of privacy, but we should be going home." my sarcasm leaking from my voice, just as Astrid was about to mount Nuffink an arrow narrowly missed him if not for leaning back.

"you two are home, I don't know how those finalilating dragons stole you and brain washed you both into thinking any place else is your home." Spitelout growled, well in his tone not actually growled.

Just as one of the vikings were to step forward, Stormfly shot protective fence of her spikes around us while Toothless wrapped his tail around already seated Zepher.

"I believe our dragons spoke for us. We will leave peacefully but place another arrow to any of my children and this place would not stand." For the past few years Astrid grew more protective of our children than me.

I mean I couldn't blame her she did carry them both for nine months and nursed them for three years till they could do simple things on there on.

"I hate that I can't just turn into a Boneknapper and scare all their souls out like we did with Eret!"


as amusing as this was We just had to leave, this place was no home nor was it a place we could fulfill our roles.

Bells rang, the warning bells.

"Cheif! the other tribes have set foot on our waters!"

His eyes moved from the berkian to my family, his eyes harsh but questioning.

"we will continue this later. we trust you won't destroy our village with your, beasts." this caused Stormfly and toothless to growl deeply.

He then called them all off, and gave new orders to man the island. I understand that, you never know if this visit from all tribes was good or bad.

As soon as everyone left I turned to face my family, Astrid already knew what I was going to say and called over Stormfly letting Nuffink sit. I did the same with Zepher

"You mom knows what I'm about to say but I'll say it anyways, you both know the way to your grandmothers' right?-"

they cautiously nod to my question.

"well we want you to relay the message that we're stranded here on berk, and call for the riders. Tell them it's about to happen."
Astrid continued for me.

Their expressions filled with betrayal, I already knew that they wouldn't want to leave us here. "i know you don't want to go but we need to stay here with toothless, it wouldn't be fair if only one of you stays"

"besides you two always wanted to go on a flight without us right?" though this entire conversation already had an end it still went on.


"you two just need to call on both of your grandmothers' the riders and dragons; tell them it's starting. It'll be a day's travel from here to home, you'll see us again in three days!" I calculated

They slouch in defeat, we gave them a kiss goodbye before watching them disappeared into the clouds.

"Alright, what do we do now?"

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