Truthfully it could have been more simple to walk to the ballroom, but a proper noble pair makes a proper noble entrance. I'm getting a bit tired of hearing my name introduced so formally whenever I enter a room, but today I've linked arms with the Crown Prince to watch his true love be engaged to someone else. Some things require etiquette.

"Introducing His Royal Highness Crown Prince Accolodius of Belmar and Her Ladyship Amalie Marinette von Ewell the third, daughter of His Grace Duke Ewell." We begin our descent from the landing, and he tugs on my arm to slow me down a bit. A smattering of applause fills the room, everyone taking their time to look up at us. The longer the guests gawk at our presence, the more power we hold over the room. This day might be for Margarite and Tristen, but it's arranged by Queen Rista.

"I forgot to mention to you," he whispers only so loud I have to strain to hear him, "the family of a certain ducal estate will be in attendance today." My family's here? I look up at him with hope and excitement in my eyes. There seems to be another reason for me to look forward to this gathering. "The guests of the evening aren't to arrive for a bit longer, let's see if we can find some familiar faces in this sea of people."

Once we've reached the floor, everyone around us rushes to compliment my dress or introduce themselves to Cole, but the two of us continue as though there was no one at all. They don't dare stand in front of us, of course, they simply part as we move past the background characters whose names and faces I have already forgotten. By the way they immediately insult our arrogance as we ignore them, their true intentions are quite clear. Sorry, but I have a plan to garner support, and I have no use for these people.

My plan, however, begins with the powerful, regal family in front of me.

"Mother, Father," I laugh, extending my arms to embrace my parents, "It's been far too long since I've seen such comforting faces."

"My daughter," The Duke exclaims, scooping me up in his arms and twirling me so that the skirt of my dress hits unsuspecting passersby. "Oh my you've grown. What happened to my frail little girl? When did I say you could grow up?"

The Duchess hits his arm in protest, laughing along with us. "She seems like a healthy young knight, gaining weight in all the right places. Our Amy is all grown up Dear, you can't stop it."

It takes them a few more moments before they realize that Crown Prince Cole has been standing awkwardly beside me the entire time. "Your Royal Highness," my father says before dropping into a bow. The Duchess follows suit and lowers her head to a curtsy for Cole.

"Your Graces," Cole responds, dropping into a bow of his own. The two straighten their suits to recompose themselves for the appeasement of everyone around them, though a smile still plays on the Duke's lips no matter how badly he tries to cough it away. "Please don't be deterred by my presence and continue your jovial reunion. I've had the pleasure of stealing away your daughter for the last few months, I'd hate to keep her another few hours."

He turns to me and touches my elbow before walking away, "I'll get you some champagne." With that he's gone, and it's just my family for the next few minutes. I'm about to ask where my brothers were, but I hear a familiar, boisterous voice calling for me.

"Amy!" Thompson rushes towards me with a gleeful urgency that I've missed much more than I had realized. He swings me in his arms just as our father had done moments ago, and I notice many knights and nobles turn their heads toward our tumultuous family reunion. "Forgive Garrison, he stepped out for a moment but he urged me to congratulate you on your status, and to bode you luck on your endeavors."

"What a peculiar speech," I laugh, "'Bode me luck on my endeavors'? Does he not plan on seeing me the rest of the evening? Or even my life? Is that really how a gentleman acknowledges his baby sister whom he hasn't seen in three months?" Had it been Thompson I'd fault him, but Garrison has always been a bit distant, even in the original novel.

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