Worlds Collide (TOS or AOS)

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(I'll admit this is a really weird one shot and I'm not sure how well it'll end up working but the idea came to me and I thought, why not?)

You lay on your bed with your feet stretched upward against the wall. Your head resting on an old stuffed animal and feeling far too awake for the 2:40 AM that graced your digital alarm in glowing green letters. Music played gently, and the room was well lit despite nothing except a small ambient light in the corner. 

For you see, the moon and stars were shining particularly bright tonight, despite the fact that the sky was somewhat cloudy. Soft rain was gently pattering on the tin gutter outside before it trickled down your window, gathering momentum with each passing second. 

Your mind had been so terribly busy these days, taken up by nothing but anxiety and stress of what you were to become, who you were to become. Nearly an adult, yet ultimately still, a child disguised in an adult world. But on this particular night, when the rest of the world was deep asleep and all was quiet your mind was becoming increasingly clear and sharper to the intake of your senses. 

Despite the fact that the Star Trek posters had hung above your bed for years, you had paid them no attention for the longest time. They had simply sat there, collecting dust and blending into the wall. 

But tonight...tonight you truly saw them again. 

A smile played at your lips as you carefully looked at each character. Kirk standing proud. Spock stone cold. Bones serious yet you could practically hear his eye-roll (if you could hear eyes that is). The Enterprise in the foreground, and new undiscovered planets in the back. You chuckled and began to lightly sing the theme song as your eyes drifted back to the window and emotion overcame you. It had been years since your mind had gone to the fictional Star Trek world, and yet you quickly realized your love had never dimmed.

 That's the odd thing about being in love with something fictional, is sometimes you love it so much that you have no choice but to banish it from your mind so you don't feel its pain anymore, it becomes a lost fandom. But then, one day, you will rediscover it, and a new creeping pain creeps in, a pain of feeling locked out. You realize that despite the fact you were never really in it, your love alone did put the world closer than anything else could. But when you banish your love, you slip slower and slower away from the invisible universe you truly call home. 

You yawned and stretched your hand to the window, tracing the rain as it rolled down. A small tap against the window was heard but you thought nothing of it as you continued tracing. 

"I miss you..." You whispered to the moon with the Enterprise and its crew on your mind. 

Another tap hit the window.

You squinted and opened the window, expecting a branch to be scraping against it and causing the noise. 

"Ouch!" You called out as something small sharply collided with your cheek.

"Sorry about that!" You heard a familiar voice call. 

You peeked your head out in curiosity, "Who's ther-" You were cut off by a quick inhale as you made eye contact with Captain Kirk. "NO!" you shouted as you slammed the window shut and quickly rolled off of your bed to the floor. You quickly jumped up and turned on the light, as you pulled a large sweater over your nearly naked body (except underwear and shorts). "No.No.No. That can't be right...come on y/n, you going crazy? Wake up." You said making eye contact with yourself in the mirror as you slapped yourself, "Okay. Just check if he's still there. Surely he's gone? And if he is, you were just tired and dreams were seeping into awake consciousness, okay? Fuck. Just check you, idiot." You nodded to yourself as you took a deep breath and crawled back to the window, opening it.

No one. 

You sighed in relief and smiled, "See? All your imaginati-"

"Are you talking to me?" Kirk said again as he emerged from the shadow of a tree.

You gathered all your courage to not slam the window shut once again.

"It was an awfully rude meeting we had earlier, usually when girls see me they swoon, or at least say 'hello." Kirk chuckled.

"No, they don't Jim." A Southern voice you recognized to be Bones added dryly. 

Kirk cleared his voice pretending he didn't hear Bone's comment, "Uh, do you think we could come in?" 

You realized you had been left speechless but managed to pipe out a small awkward yes. A few minutes later they had crawled through your window and Kirk, Bones, and Spock were all stiffly sitting on your bed. 

Spock pointed at the poster above your bed, "This confirms our suspicions, Captain." He said as he began scanning it. 

"Suspicions?" You said now a little more audibly. 

"Well, as you can see, from being a "fan" and all..." Kirk smirked as he gestured to his face on your wall. You blushed. "This is not our universe, in this universe-your universe, it appears we exist as nothing but a form of 20th-century Entertainment."

Your face clearly was as confused as ever.

"Don't worry too much darlin'" Bones said putting his hand on your shoulder, "There's nothing for you to worry about, it's all because of a little accident on our end." 

"We thought you would be an ideal candidate to aid us back to our own reality," Spock said matter of factly.

"Me? But why me?" You asked overwhelmed. 

Kirk gestured his head to your poster once again, "Aren't you a fan?"

You bit your lip as you nodded slowly, "Okay, but how did you find me then?" 

Kirk shrugged, "Just a hunch."

"So, will ya help us?" Bones asked as he gave your shoulder another squeeze.

They all leaned in hopefully for your response.

A tense silence filled the room momentarily. 

 A grin crept over your face at last, "Ehhh...I'll think about it," 

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